
公告精选 | 协合新能源前6月发电量增超一成;微创机器人预计中期收入同比大幅增长约一倍

Announcement selection | Concord NE's power generation in the first half of the year increased by more than 10%; Meicr Robot expects mid-term revenue to more than double year-on-year. ·  Jul 5 08:01

Important Announcement for Hong Kong Stocks.

1) Company News

$CONCORD NE (00182.HK)$: The cumulative equity power generation in the first half of the year was 4,737.96 GWh, a year-on-year increase of 14.14%. The total power generation in June was 595.41 GWh, a year-on-year increase of 11.55%.

$HISENSE HA (00921.HK)$: Subscribed a total of 2.23 billion yuan of Shaanxi Guotou Trust wealth management products with its subsidiary.

$MEDBOT-B (02252.HK)$It is expected that the mid-term revenue will increase significantly by about 103% to 108% year-on-year.

$CNBM (03323.HK)$The face interest rate of the 2024 technology innovation corporate bond (second tranche) is 2.11%.

2) Repurchase Dynamics

$TENCENT (00700.HK)$: Repurchased 2.62 million shares for HKD 1.002 billion, with a repurchase price of HKD 378.8-386.8 per share.

$MEITUAN-W (03690.HK)$: Repurchased 4.1739 million shares for HKD 0.4998 billion, with a repurchase price of HKD 118.9-119.9 per share.

$XIAOMI-W (01810.HK)$: Repurchased 3 million shares for HKD 50.6133 million, with a repurchase price of HKD 16.8-16.9 per share.

$HSBC HOLDINGS (00005.HK)$: Repurchased 3.236 million shares for HKD 0.222 billion, with a repurchase price of HKD 68.2-68.8 per share.

$AIA (01299.HK)$: Repurchased 2.179 million shares for approximately HKD 0.115 billion, with a repurchase price of HKD 52.55-54 per share.

$CHINASOFT INT'L (00354.HK)$: Repurchased 7 million shares for HKD 28.6241 million, with a repurchase price of HKD 4.02-4.12 per share.


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