
研报掘金丨海通证券:维持科大讯飞“优于大市”评级 讯飞星火大模型V4.0发布

Research Reports | Haitong Securities: Maintaining iFlytek's "Outperform" rating, iFlytek Starfire's Big Model V4.0 is released.

Gelonghui Finance ·  Jul 4 17:00
On July 4th, Guolonghui reported that Haitong Securities' research report pointed out that iFLYTEK Co., Ltd. (002230.SZ) released the iFLYTEK StarFire Large Model V4.0, which achieved comprehensive benchmarking of GPT-4 Turbo, marking that the company's large model has reached the world's leading level. With the upgrade of the model, the company has made certain expansions and breakthroughs in AI2C ("Personal Space", iFLYTEK Xiao Yi APP, Star Fire intelligent review machine, etc.), AI2B (Star Fire intelligent cockpit, robot super brain platform 2.0, Star Fire enterprise intelligent body platform, etc.), and other end businesses. With the continuous development of the future iFLYTEK StarFire Large Model V4.0, the company's related business expansion is expected to continue to accelerate. The bank expects the company's revenue in 2024-2026 to be 22.622/26.697/32.331 billion yuan. Taking into account the overall situation, the bank maintains a "better than market" rating by giving the company a dynamic PS of 5-6 times in 2024, corresponding to a reasonable value range of 48.93-58.71 yuan for 6 months.

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