

Yunnan Baiyao Group (000538.SZ): Yunnan Baiyao toothpaste will have a domestic market share of 24.6% in 2023.

Gelonghui Finance ·  Jul 4 15:55

During the November 11 shopping festival in 2023, the Health Products Business Group achieved multiple top rankings. Yunnan Baiyao Tmall toothpaste flagship store achieved a breakthrough in sales performance, exceeding 100 million yuan for the first time, becoming the first flagship store to exceed 100 million yuan with a single toothpaste product. It also ranked first in the toothpaste bestseller list on Douyin, and first in the toothbrush bestseller list on Douyin. Through online and offline strategies such as double-eleven promotions, collaborations with comprehensive e-commerce platforms such as Tmall,, PDD Holdings, creative live broadcasts on content e-commerce platforms like Douyin, the company has increased brand exposure and consolidated its existing market share while expanding its incremental market share. It has also improved its product structure, iterated technological innovation, and promoted category upgrades, achieving a 24.60% domestic market share in the oral care field for Yunnan Baiyao toothpaste by 2023 (source: YTD2312 Nielsen retail survey data), continuing to maintain its position as the top market share holder. Offline, the company has implemented a series of promotional activities such as the "Science Mouth Care Season" and the CNY "Dragon Welcoming the New Year, Healthy and Happy Year", unifying terminal activities to achieve a consistent image. As of the reporting period, various offline promotional activities have accumulated over 0.0147 million events, covering a total of 1465 cities (provinces, municipalities and counties). Through IP content marketing activities such as "Li Jian online concert" and "Yunnan Baiyao oral health and 'Flowers and Youth - Silk Road Season' travel and study program", the company has also increased brand exposure.

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