
海目星与欣界能源签订合作协议 公司回应:将参与5GWh固态电池项目 最快或明年量产

Hymson Laser Technology Group and Xingjie Energy signed a cooperation agreement. The company responded that it will participate in the 5GWh solid state battery project and may begin production as early as next year. ·  Jul 4 10:42

① Xinjaie Energy's existing production capacity has reached 200MWh and will start construction of a 5GWh lithium metal solid-state battery production line in August. According to reports, the total investment of the production line is about RMB 3 billion. ② Hymson Laser Technology Group staff said, "The company has delivered several quasi-solid-state battery pilot production lines, and there should be orders in the solid-state battery field this year."

Hymson Laser Technology Group announced on July 3 that it has signed a strategic cooperation framework agreement with Xinge Energy. The two parties will strengthen cooperation upstream and downstream in the industry chain to jointly build a complete solid-state battery industry chain. Xinge Energy will priority purchase the required equipment from Hymson Laser Technology Group, and Hymson Laser Technology Group will provide Xinge Energy with complete set of equipment solutions. The duration of this cooperation agreement is five years.

Today( July 4th), a reporter from Science and Technology Innovation Board Daily called the securities office of Hymson Laser Technology Group as an investor, and the relevant staff said:"The company has already had cooperation with Xinge Energy before, and will collaborate to carry out R&D and manufacturing work related to solid-state batteries."

It is reported that Xinge Energy's existing production capacity has reached 200MWh, making it one of the first companies to commercialize lithium metal solid-state batteries. It will launch the global first (energy density≥450Wh/kg) GWh-level lithium metal solid-state battery production line in August 2024. This relevant scale is consistent with the production line disclosed in the announcement.

The aforementioned staff also stated that Hymson Laser Technology Group will participate in Xinge Energy's solid-state battery project in August. In June of this year, there were news reports indicating that Xinge Energy planned to settle the world's first mass production line of lithium metal solid-state batteries in Jintan, Changzhou, with a total investment of about 3 billion yuan. After reaching production capacity, it is expected to produce 5GWh annually, which is consistent with the annual production capacity of the production line disclosed in the announcement.

Tianyancha shows that Xinge Energy was established in 2020 and is mainly engaged in research and development and production of a new generation of lithium metal solid-state batteries. From the perspective of equity penetration, Shenzhen Shenghai New Venture Capital Investment Partnership Enterprise (Limited Partnership), one of the company's investment institutions, holds a 3.63% stake in Xinge Energy. Shenghai New Venture's partners include Zhao Shengyu, chairman of Hymson Laser Technology Group, and Zhao Shengyu holds a 4.36% stake in Shenghai New Venture.

Hymson Laser Technology Group stated that the agreement signed this time is only a strategic cooperation framework agreement, and specific business agreements will be signed separately. The impact on the company's operating performance for this year and in the future needs to be determined based on the specific progress and implementation of the project.

In terms of performance, the net income of Hymson Laser Technology Group in 2023 has decreased somewhat, with revenue of RMB 4.805 billion, a year-on-year increase of 17.03%; net income attributable to shareholders of the parent company was RMB 0.322 billion, a year-on-year decrease of 15.42%.

As for the layout of solid-state batteries, relevant staff at Hymson Laser Technology Group stated: "The company has laid out solid-state battery field early on and also delivered some quasi solid-state battery pilot production lines. There should be orders for solid-state batteries field this year."

In May of this year, the company stated on the interactive platform that the company is involved in three basic technological paths from semi-solid, quasi-solid to solid-state batteries. The technology route that can be delivered and put into production is quasi-solid-state battery, with an electrolyte content of less than 10%. This technology route has a pilot production line for mass production with an energy density exceeding 480 watt-hour/kg and a cycle number exceeding 400 times. The company's technology route uses oxide solid electrolyte and lithium metal as the negative electrode.

However, Hymson Laser Technology Group staff also stated that solid-state batteries are still in a relatively early stage. "Mass production needs to wait at least until next year." He added.

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