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Tesla's energy storage business is growing astonishingly fast. The Shanghai Super Factory for energy storage is expected to drive the development of the industry chain. ·  07:30

Tesla rose more than 6% overnight and has risen for seven consecutive days. Previously, Tesla's energy subsidiary, Tesla Energy, announced that it deployed 9.4 GWh of battery storage products in Q2 2024, setting a record for the highest quarterly growth of 129% QoQ and 157% YoY, with astonishing growth rates.

Tesla rose more than 6% overnight and has risen for seven consecutive days. Previously, Tesla's energy subsidiary, Tesla Energy, announced that it deployed 9.4 GWh of battery storage products in Q2 2024, setting a record for the highest quarterly growth of 129% QoQ and 157% YoY, with astonishing growth rates.

At the 2024 Tesla shareholders meeting, CEO Musk stated that Tesla's business in energy storage is growing rapidly, with an annual growth rate of 200% to 300%. Previously, Tesla's Shanghai energy storage super factory in Lingang New Area officially started construction and is expected to start production in the first quarter of 2025. After production, the output of Megapacks, a super large-scale electrochemical commercial energy storage system, is expected to reach 10,000 units, with an energy storage capacity of nearly 40 gigawatt-hours (1 gigawatt-hour = 1000 megawatt-hours). Desheng Securities pointed out that China's energy storage industry chain has advantages in manufacturing, cost, and market. On the one hand, Tesla's construction of an energy storage plant in Shanghai, China takes advantage of China's advantages in scale manufacturing and rapid response, enabling it to quickly make up for Megapack's production capacity shortfall. On the other hand, by utilizing China's complete and low-cost energy storage system industry chain advantage, Tesla's energy storage business layout in China is expected to drive the development of related industrial chains.

According to the Financial Data Center, among related listed companies:

Olympic Circuit Technology stated that it currently supplies energy storage related PCB products to Tesla on a global scale. Energy storage has always been one of the company's key development directions, and the cooperation with this customer in global supply of energy storage products is progressing smoothly.

Xidian New Energy battery connection system products are supporting Tesla's energy storage products.

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