

Biden may face a campaign crisis! It is reported that several Democratic lawmakers are considering jointly "urging withdrawal". ·  Jul 4 07:02

A senior official from within the Democratic Party said that dozens of Democratic congressmen are considering signing a joint letter asking the current US President Biden to withdraw from the election;

Yesterday, Lloyd Doggett from Texas became the first Democratic congressman to call for Biden to withdraw from the election, saying that if Biden continues to run and loses to Trump, "the risk is too great."

According to media reports, a senior official from within the Democratic Party said that dozens of Democratic congressmen are considering signing a joint letter asking the current US President Biden to withdraw from the election, because they are increasingly worried that Biden's performance may cause the Democratic Party to completely lose control of Congress.

The quadrennial US presidential election will be held later this year, at the same time, all 435 seats in the House of Representatives of the US Congress, as well as one-third of the seats in the Senate, will also face re-election. Currently, the Republican and Democratic parties respectively control the House of Representatives and the Senate.

Last week, Biden made several verbal and cognitive errors, with a muddled, unclear voice in the first presidential debate, and some Democrats called it "a disaster." Yesterday, Biden admitted that his performance in the debate was poor, but attributed it to fatigue from traveling overseas and jet lag.

A senior Democratic Party official said that Biden is rapidly losing the support of Democratic congressmen, who are worried that Biden's performance will lead to the Republican Party winning the White House and Congress. He pointed out that some of these congressmen come from traditional "blue districts" (supporting the Democratic Party), highlighting how widespread this panic is.

And some candidates from less secure areas are even more nervous. Yesterday, Lloyd Doggett from Texas became the first Democratic congressman to call for Biden to withdraw from the election, saying that if Biden continues to run and loses to Trump, "the risk is too great."

For Democrats, as long as they control one of the two houses (preferably the House of Representatives), there is a chance to negotiate with a potential Trump administration on tax cuts and debt ceiling disputes.

But if Biden's performance suppresses voters' willingness to vote, and both houses of Congress fall under Republican control, they will lose the ability to block the Trump administration's legislation.

Doggett also mentioned in a statement: "Trump may lead the United States into a long, dark and authoritarian era." He added, "I have decided to publicly express these strong opinions. This is not a rash decision, and it will not in any way diminish my respect for President Biden's achievements.

Other congressmen have more moderate views. Democratic congressman Mike Quigley from Illinois said he was open to potential new candidates, but also pointed out that this is a decision Biden "must make" because it will have an impact on the next few decades.

Charles Myers, Chairman and Founder of independent consulting firm Signum Global Advisors and a top donor to Biden's campaign team, said in a media interview that the situation is developing "much faster than he expected" to the disadvantage of the President.

An informed person revealed that Biden called Senate majority leader Chuck Schumer on Wednesday and was scheduled to talk to his close ally, Democratic congressman James Clyburn from South Carolina later in the day. Clyburn previously served as the Democratic Party's House whip.

Earlier in the day, Clyburn said that Biden needed to hold "town hall"-style events to prove his sharp mind and ease people's concerns about whether he is fit to run for president.

Clyburn said that if Biden cannot continue to run for president, he will support the selection of a new candidate.


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