
大行评级|中银国际:下调六福目标价至21.8港元 面临挑战惟派息缓冲

DBS Rating | CICC: Downgrades LUKFOOK's target price to HKD 21.8, facing challenges but dividend serves as a cushion.

Gelonghui Finance ·  Jul 3 14:13
On July 3, Guosen Wealth reported that even though Lukfook's net profit for the 2024 fiscal year increased by 38% YoY to HKD 1.77 billion, it still fell 7% below the bank's expectations due to the subsiding demand that has been suppressed since March this year. Sales of Hong Kong and Macao, as well as mainland branches from April 1 to June 21, dropped 35% and 20% YoY, respectively. However, the momentum is expected to improve in the second half of the 2025 fiscal year, as the central banks of various countries began to cut interest rates and the price of gold rises, and it is expected that consumer demand will recover in the face of adverse macroeconomic factors. Despite the pressure on profits in the 2025 fiscal year and beyond after Lukfook's acquisition of Gold Supreme, the group can still provide a considerable dividend yield (about 7%), so the bank maintains its buy rating with a target price lowered from HKD 29.1 to HKD 21.8.

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