
长沙支持符合条件的公寓调整为住宅 房地产利好政策持续加码

Changsha supports the adjustment of eligible apartments to residences, and the bullish real estate policy continues to increase. ·  Jul 3 08:00

Changsha City issued a notice on the matters related to supporting the adjustment of apartment and other residential commodity houses to residential buildings, clarifying that apartments and other residential commodity houses with difficulties in development and circulation can be adjusted to residential buildings according to regulations and procedures after being proven feasible under the premise of ensuring the carrying capacity of public service facilities and basic supporting facilities.

Changsha issued the "Notice on Supporting the Adjustment of Apartment and Other Types of Residential Commercial Buildings into Residences", which clearly states that within the jurisdiction of Changsha, the planning and approval of new apartment and other types of residential commercial projects will be temporarily suspended. For completed projects that have difficulties in development and turnover of apartment and other types of commercial housing, they can be adjusted to residential use in accordance with regulations and procedures on the premise of ensuring that the carrying capacity of public service facilities and basic supporting facilities is met after feasible demonstration.

After the new policy of the Central Bank on May 17th, core first-tier and second-tier cities have followed suit, and various bullish policies from central to local governments have been intensively implemented. Sales of TOP50 real estate enterprises in June increased to a new high of 311.7 billion yuan, with a significant narrowing of the year-on-year decline, and sales improvement exceeded expectations. Guojun real estate team pointed out that the sales of new houses and second-hand houses in key cities of TOP50 real estate enterprises in June have significantly increased. This points to the fact that market demand still exists, and it is expected that the sales decline will narrow in the third quarter under the continuous catalysis of positive policies and with the low base effect in the same period in 2023.

According to the Financial Data Center, among related listed companies:

Zhuhai Huafa Properties, which implements the global strategy of "rooted in Zhuhai and moving towards the whole country", has good cash flow and steady sales growth at a scale of billions.

Xiamen C&D Inc.'s subsidiary, Jianfa Properties, with a land acquisition amount of RMB 32.18 billion, became the real estate enterprise with the highest land acquisition amount in the first half of 2024. In addition, in the first half of this year, Jianfa Properties' sales amounted to RMB 66.06 billion, ranking seventh in the industry, with a rapid upward trend.

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