
雷曼光电(300162.SZ):已实现PM驱动玻璃基Micro LED显示面板小批量试产

Ledman Optoelectronic (300162.SZ): Has achieved small-scale trial production of Micro LED display panel on glass substrate driven by PM.

Gelonghui Finance ·  Jul 3, 2024 07:50

Ledman Optoelectronic (300162.SZ) recently reported to institutional investors that the company has achieved small-scale trial production of PM-driven glass-based Micro LED display panels. This year, it will continue to explore and upgrade glass-based technology by constructing a pilot base. In the future, it will expand into various special display scenarios, as well as into a series of large-size Micro LED display products and solutions, including Ledman's intelligent conference interactive display system, intelligent education interactive display system, and ultra-high-definition home giant screen wall, fully satisfying the needs of future specialized displays, commercial displays, and household displays in terms of high display quality, low cost, and low-energy consumption.

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