
Sea(SE.US)和印尼反垄断机构达成和解 将整顿送货服务

Sea (SE.US) has reached a settlement with the Indonesian antitrust institutions and will rectify its delivery services.

Zhitong Finance ·  Jul 2 21:24

According to Zhī tōng cai jīng APP, PT Shopee International Indonesia under Sea (SE.US) has been accused of anti-monopoly violations by the Indonesian anti-monopoly supervision agency (KPPU). The company has signed an agreement with the anti-monopoly regulatory agency to completely rectify its delivery service.

Shopee's executive director, Handhika Jahja, said that the agreement is in line with efforts to comply with government regulations.

The company has also promised not to adopt anti-competitive practices and will not give up its dominant position. The regulatory agency will form a team to monitor the company's implementation of these changes for 90 days.

According to existing regulations, if Shopee does not implement the proposed changes, it will face another hearing and may be fined.

In May of this year, the agency was investigating Sea's operation of the e-commerce platform Shopee, accusing it of unfair bias towards its own delivery service.

At a previous hearing, KPPU said that Indonesian online shoppers can choose which company delivers the purchased goods, but Sea's e-commerce platform Shopee has set up an algorithm that prioritizes the company's express delivery service over other options, including local competitors.

The translation is provided by third-party software.

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