

China's private space technology is not good? Boeing only cares about money and is falling behind.

businesstimes cn ·  Jul 2 17:02

According to the Securities Times, on June 30, Tianbing Aerospace Technology Co., Ltd. carried out a first-stage power system test of the carrier rocket (commercial) at the Gongyi Comprehensive Test Center. Due to the test failure, the rocket body scattered within the safety control area and caused a fire in the local area.

The event has drawn strong attention from the industry. Some self-media views believe that China's private aerospace technology is not as good as Boeing and SpaceX in the United States. In fact, China's private aerospace is still in its infancy, and some problems are normal. Moreover, Tianbing Technology also pointed out in the announcement that the problem occurred during the experiment, and the experiment was to resolve all issues before being launched into space, so there is no need to over-interpret. Instead, Boeing could not bring the two astronauts back after sending them into space, not only exposing technical problems, but also possibly revealing a series of management loopholes leading to "man-made disasters".

Boeing's Starship seems to have become a stumbling block for America's space dreams, making the return journey of the two astronauts, Barry Wilmore and Suni Williams, extremely long.

On June 5, Boeing's "Starship" with two astronauts aboard embarked on a journey that was supposed to be one of honor and victory. This flight was not only the first manned test flight of Boeing's "Starship", but also a key battle for it to prove its commercial space strength to NASA. However, the turning point of fate quietly arrived in this expectation.

After the spacecraft arrived at the International Space Station, the originally scheduled return plan on June 14 was forced to be postponed due to a series of problems. The propellant control valve malfunctioned, causing a series of seemingly trivial problems that triggered a chain reaction, making the spacecraft's return journey rugged.

Boeing's space technology, once a proud label, now seems so lame. Five times the propellant control valve has failed, five times the helium leak, and that critical failure of the propellant control valve, each problem is like a heartless mockery of Boeing's technology. And all this happened on the spacecraft carrying the lives of the two astronauts, making people nervous for them.

With the continuous exposure of problems, the originally eight-day mission was postponed, and the road home became distant. According to American media, the next return time of the spacecraft is expected to be on July 6, which means that the two astronauts will be drifting in space for a full month. This is undoubtedly a mental and physical torment for them.

During this long wait, the two astronauts not only have to face loneliness and loneliness in space, but also have to be prepared to deal with possible emergencies at all times. And Boeing, the giant that once prided itself on its technology, now seems to be somewhat inadequate in this space race.

Some American media sharply pointed out that if NASA had cooperated with Musk's Dragon spacecraft instead of Boeing, the result might have been much better. Is that really the case?

How lame is Boeing's space technology?

Boeing's "Starship" surprised people, and the degree of its space technology lag caused everyone to be stunned. Due to various accidents, two space station astronauts' journey home became extremely long, and all of this was the result of Boeing's multiple negligence.

The problem started with the launch of the "Starship". Originally, the spaceship was scheduled to take off in May 2024, but just before the launch, technical problems and helium leaks and other series of troubles came one after another. The cancellation of the mission three times in a row, and even the astronauts had already stepped onto the launch pad, but were forced to return during the countdown. Such erratic situation not only seriously questioned Boeing's technical strength, but also made people worry about the safety of astronauts.

However, in such a background, Boeing chose to "force" launch. Perhaps they thought that as long as the spacecraft could take off, the problem could be solved. But reality gave them a heavy blow. During the launch, the spacecraft not only encountered helium leaks and multiple failures, but even the spacecraft's thrusters had problems. Twenty-eight thrusters actually failed five times, the figure is shocking. It can be imagined that how great the psychological pressure on the astronauts flying in space is under such circumstances.

But fortunately, after about 27 hours of turmoil, the spacecraft finally successfully docked with the International Space Station. However, this does not mean that the problem is solved. During the return journey, the spacecraft again encountered problems, causing the astronauts to be unable to return to Earth as planned. Repeated delays made the journey home very long.

The result not only disappoints people about Boeing's space technology, but also causes doubts about NASA's decision. Originally, NASA had high expectations for Boeing, hoping to replace Russia's Soyuz spacecraft with the "Interstellar Passenger Plane." However, Musk's SpaceX company completed the development of manned spacecraft four years ahead of schedule with its strong technical strength and without any problems. In contrast, Boeing's "Interstellar Passenger Plane" appears to be pale.

This event not only resulted in a loss of about $1.4 billion for Boeing, but also a serious damage to its reputation in the international aerospace industry. Originally, Boeing hoped to prove its strength through this manned test flight mission, but instead exposed its technical shortcomings. Such results not only turned NASA's expectations of Boeing into bubbles, but also caused concerns about the future of the entire aviation industry.

Reviewing this event, we can actually find that Boeing's frequent accidents with the "Interstellar Passenger Plane" had signs early on. This is not only a question of Boeing's technical strength, but also a heavy blow to America's space technology.

Why did NASA choose Boeing instead of the highly anticipated SpaceX?

In the arena of space, the showdown between Boeing and SpaceX, the two giants, has never stopped.

But what is puzzling is why NASA ultimately chose Boeing instead of the highly anticipated SpaceX when selecting partners. Now, with the endless problems with Boeing's "Interstellar Passenger Plane," people cannot help but ask: If Boeing cannot complete the task, will Musk take over and launch the Dragon spacecraft to safely return the astronauts to Earth?

This needs to be explained by NASA's decision-making. When deciding which company to cooperate with, NASA may have been attracted by Boeing's long history and rich experience. After all, Boeing has profound accumulation in the aviation field, and its technical strength cannot be underestimated. However, they may not have anticipated that this cooperation would become a "gamble."

The competition between Boeing and SpaceX has long been an open secret in the industry. Musk, the entrepreneur known as the "Modern Iron Man," has led SpaceX to achieve world-renowned achievements in the field of space with his unique innovative spirit and strong technical strength. Boeing, as a traditional aviation giant, seems to be somewhat inadequate when facing challenges from emerging strengths.

In terms of fund allocation, NASA's favor for Boeing has also caused doubts from the outside world. It is reported that Boeing is awarded a contract of up to $4.2 billion by NASA, while SpaceX only receives $2.6 billion. Such fund allocation undoubtedly intensifies Musk's dissatisfaction with NASA's decision. He publicly complained that Boeing's R&D costs far exceeded those of SpaceX and questioned whether Boeing has the ability to complete the task.

However, reality has given Boeing a resounding slap. Boeing's "Interstellar Passenger Plane" had various problems before launch, and even encountered multiple failures during the launch process. This has seriously questioned Boeing's technical strength. At this time, SpaceX led by Musk wins wide acclaim in the industry with its reliable Dragon spacecraft.

Faced with Boeing's dilemma, NASA seems to be somewhat powerless. According to foreign media reports, if Boeing cannot solve the problems of the spacecraft within 45 days, they may seek Musk's help to use SpaceX's Dragon spacecraft to bring the astronauts back to Earth. Such a decision undoubtedly dealt a huge blow to Boeing.

However, will Musk be willing to lend a helping hand? After all, as a competitor, there has always been fierce competition between Musk and Boeing. But considering the safety of astronauts, Musk may choose to temporarily put aside competition and demonstrate his humanitarian spirit as an entrepreneur.

However, such a decision is not an easy one. If Musk chooses to help Boeing, he may face pressure from NASA and other partners. After all, they may think that Musk is using this opportunity to expand his influence and weaken Boeing's position in the aerospace field.

"Snatching Cooperation with NASA" is all about business.

Boeing and SpaceX, two giants in the aerospace industry, are actually engaging in a business war worth billions of dollars in order to compete for the opportunity to cooperate with NASA.

Public information shows that in 2020, the global commercial aerospace market, despite being hit by the epidemic, still maintains astonishing vitality. According to statistics, global commercial aerospace revenue reached an astonishing $315 billion in 2020. Although it was slightly lower than in 2019, it still demonstrated its strong vitality and growth potential.

In this $315 billion market, downstream satellite service industry becomes the main source of revenue, which is like a "supermarket" in space providing various satellite communications, navigation, remote sensing and other services to meet people's needs for space information. In contrast, although space equipment manufacturing, ground services, space launches and other links have an indispensable status, they are far less revenue-generating than the satellite service industry.

However, this seemingly insignificant space launch link has become the focus of the competition between Boeing and SpaceX. Because for these two companies, cooperation with NASA not only means that they can participate in the great cause of human exploration of the universe, but also means that they can share a piece of the pie in this business space tidal wave.

Boeing, the aviation giant with a long history and profound technical foundation naturally does not want to lose ground in this commercial war. They have been striving for opportunities to cooperate with NASA based on their long-term experience of working with them and strong technical capabilities. However, with the rise of SpaceX, Boeing's position has begun to be challenged.

SpaceX, the private space company founded by Elon Musk, has become a new star in the commercial space field with its unique technological innovation and business model. Their Falcon series rockets and Dragon spacecraft not only have a leading position in technology but also have achieved a significant reduction in costs. This has given SpaceX a clear advantage in competition with Boeing.

In order to compete for cooperation opportunities with NASA, Boeing and SpaceX have both made every effort. They have not only increased research and development investment in aerospace technology but also actively sought opportunities for cooperation with government departments. In this commercial war, every opportunity to work with NASA is crucial. Because for both of these companies, this is not only an opportunity for business cooperation but also a chance to showcase their technical capabilities and business acumen.

However, competition in the commercial space industry is not just a matter of technology and strength comparison. In this field, factors such as politics, economy, and culture also play an important role. The competition between Boeing and SpaceX is no exception. They not only need to face the technical challenges and competitive pressures from each other but also need to respond to attention and questioning from various parties such as governments, media, and the public.

In this commercial war, Boeing and SpaceX have both demonstrated strong business capabilities and technical strengths. Through continuous innovation and development, they have not only promoted the progress and development of the commercial space field but also provided more possibilities and opportunities for us to explore the universe. However, behind this commercial war, we also have to see the risks and challenges. Because in this field, a small mistake or problem can bring tremendous losses and impact.

Boeing and SpaceX's struggle for cooperation with NASA is all about business. In this wave of commercial space, they are both striving to find their position and development opportunities. But after this "interstellar passenger plane" incident, it is believed that Boeing is likely to be suppressed by Musk for a long time.

Author | T800

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