
IXナレッジ Research Memo(5):「大手顧客からの安定受注」、「DX案件加速」「人材マネジメント力」が強み

IX Knowledge Research Memo (5): "Stable orders from major customers", "Accelerating DX projects" and "Strong talent management capabilities" are strengths.

Fisco Japan ·  Jul 2 13:55

Strengths: Bridge International<7039> faces competition in each of its services, but it can differentiate itself from competitors by offering end-to-end services from strategic planning of revenue processes to IT tool support that specializes in sales and marketing. Its main outsourcing service adopts a client-exclusive system, making it possible to change to the optimal business design based on the client's sales environment. As the client's business expands, the company can also expand its contract and transaction size. Moreover, the company focuses on quality, not just expanding business as the market grows, focusing on enhancing the reliability of client companies. As a result, the company has a low termination rate and a high continuation rate. We believe that this has enabled the company to successfully capture new demand as existing companies expand their business.

1. Stable orders from major customers.

The strength of IX Knowledge <9753> is its ability to provide comprehensive and consistent services, from consulting to system development, operation and maintenance. In addition, the strong and balanced customer base built over many years since its establishment is also a major strength that supports stable growth. Looking at the trends of major customers for the full year ending March 2024, the faces of the top 10 companies with a large composition ratio are usually the same except for NTT Group at 9th place, and the customer composition is highly stable. The sales composition ratio of the top 5 companies reached 59.9%, and the breakdown of the 5 companies are NTT Data Group (cases across various industries and end users), Hitachi Group (cases across various industries, social public sector, etc.), KDDI Group (system verification cases, etc.), Mitsubishi UFJ Financial Group <8306>, NEC Group <6701>. The composition ratio of the top 10 major companies is also high at 73.7% (compared to 71.9% in the previous period), and the degree of concentration at the top has slightly increased. According to the company's past experience, there is a tendency for the concentration at the top to increase during periods of strong demand, so it is considered that this phase is still ongoing. In addition, it can be said that customer metabolism and portfolio management are being well established as customers ranked 11th or later in sales composition have been ranked in the top 10 major companies.

In addition, one of its strengths is having accumulated business knowledge and know-how through transactions with these users. In system development, etc., the company's track record is evaluated by users, and this is reflected in the direct transactions with end users without going through major system integrators.

2. Acceleration of DX projects and acquisition of qualification numbers.

The company has been implementing measures to strengthen DX support and its achievements have become evident after experiencing the COVID-19 pandemic. In particular, what the company is focusing on is cloud construction, which is the basis of DX, and the technological elements such as Agile development adopted in parallel. In the fiscal year ending March 2024, DX project sales reached 6.618 billion yen, equivalent to 30.4% of the total company's sales, an increase of 5.5 points from the previous period, indicating the acceleration of DX. The number of certifications obtained by AWS and Microsoft Azure is a barometer of whether there are skills to carry out DX projects. The number of certifications obtained at the end of the fiscal year ending March 2024 was 588 in total, an increase of 135 from the previous year.

3. Human resources management.

The company's human resources management ability in the recruitment, training, and treatment of human resources has been successful, achieving planned human resource securing in the industry where human resource shortages are being called.

(1) Recruitment.

For the company, there is no doubt that "human resources" are the source of differentiation. In a competitive recruitment environment, the company has been recruiting 50 to 100 new graduates annually, and in April 2020, 77 graduates, in April 2021, 84 graduates, in April 2022, 82 graduates, in April 2023, 74 graduates, and in April 2024, 90 graduates (89 graduates in IKI alone) joined the company. The competition for acquiring human resources among system integrators is well known, and in recent years, business companies (user companies) have also been actively working to acquire IT talent, making competition even more difficult. In such a situation, the company has succeeded in acquiring excellent human resources from remote areas by utilizing online recruitment methods. In order to secure manpower with DX skills, the company has shifted its focus on mid-career recruitment in recent years and it has become a means of supplementing immediate strengths.

On the other hand, the company's partner companies have more than 40 companies nationwide and have become an essential existence in project composition and response to demand fluctuations. The company and its partner companies are one entity in the project, and the company provides education to employees of partner companies as well. The company's outsourcing expenses amount to 786.5 million yen (fiscal year ending March 2023), which is equivalent to 48.8% of the cost of goods sold, indicating the importance of their existence.

(2) Training.

New employees are assigned to each department after a six-month training period (3 months of collective training and 3 months of on-the-job training), but the company's comprehensive and substantial training and support for new employees is highly evaluated even among students as a company with an environment to develop people. In addition, presentations are made by business units and a system is in place where they can submit requests to be assigned to their desired department. Furthermore, they aim to maintain and improve motivation by strengthening post-assignment skill-up training, etc.

The company has set 'Response to DX Needs' as its strategy and is focusing on fostering cloud-native talent. In AWS technology training, the company has been making proactive investments in personnel development, having been certified as an 'AWS 200 APN Certification Distinction' enterprise with more than 200 AWS certified personnel in December 2022. In recent years, the company has also been focused on developing Microsoft Azure professionals. Additionally, the company has been investing in advanced technologies such as RPA, agile development, blockchain, etc. besides cloud technology. The company has accumulated a total of 588 qualifications related to DX by the end of March 2024. The company plans to continue to foster more than 100 certification holders per year in the future.

(3) Treatment

The company is also actively promoting workstyle reform. Women account for about half of all new hires, with the proportion of female SEs in the company being about 20%. As shown by the 100% maternity leave acquisition rate for women, the company has created an environment that is easy for women to work in. The 'Welcome Back System' was launched in April 2022 to make it easier for people who have resigned due to reasons such as parenting or caregiving to return to work. Four people have already returned to work under this system. The company has been working to reduce overtime for several years, with an average overtime of about 14 hours, which is lower than the industry average. Teleworking has been implemented in the administrative department and has accelerated to an all-company-wide effort during the COVID-19 pandemic. The company is also actively promoting 'health management'. Particularly active in sports, the company has formed teams for baseball, soccer, futsal, basketball, tennis, etc., with many teams competing for league championships within the industry. Active club activities build cross-sectional relationships among employees, contributing not only to health management but also to creating a sense of purpose for employees. The company is also proactive in improving productivity through health maintenance, such as by opening a stretch room within the company. These efforts have been recognized, and the company received the 'Gold Certification' for health excellence in March 2021 (and also in March 2024). In addition, the company's health management declaration, 'Creating a Safe and Secure Workplace Environment' and 'Maintaining and Improving Employees and Their Families' Health,' has been awarded the 'Health Management Excellent Corporation 2024 (Large Corporation Division).' By the way, the average length of service of the company is 15 years and 2 months, which reflects the attractiveness of the workplace.

(Written by FISCO Guest Analyst, Hideo Kakuta)

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