
“新汽车”半年考:华为、小米6月交付皆创新高 埃安连续五月环比下滑

New car half-year exam: Huawei and Xiaomi both set new records for deliveries in June. E安's sales have declined for five consecutive months on a month-on-month basis. ·  Jul 2 10:47

Hongmeng Zhixing announced its June delivery results. It delivered 46,141 vehicles in a single month, an increase of 50.90% on a month-on-month basis, and a total delivery of 194,207 vehicles in the first half of the year. In terms of specific product structure, the operating income of 10-30 billion yuan products was 401/1288/60 million yuan respectively.

According to Caixin on July 2, after the first half of the year, the 2024 domestic car market entered the "second half," and intense competition among the highly anticipated "new brand" members followed.

Hongmeng Zhixing announced its June delivery results on July 1. It delivered 46,141 vehicles in a single month, an increase of 50.90% on a month-on-month basis, and a total delivery of 194,207 vehicles in the first half of the year. In terms of specific product structure, WEN JIE M9, WEN JIE New M7, WEN JIE New M5, and ZHI JIE S7 delivered 17,241, 18,493, 7,046, and 2,995 vehicles in June, respectively. Among them, WEN JIE M9 has broken through the 100,000 order milestone for 6 months since its launch. According to the plan, ENJOY S9, which has a pre-sale price of 450,000-550,000 yuan, will be officially launched in August.

On the same day, Xiaomi Auto achieved an important milestone in its SU7 sales performance after beginning deliveries, breaking the 10,000 order ceiling for single-month sales for the first time. "In June 2024, the third month of deliveries, sales volume exceeded 10,000 and the July sales volume target will still exceed 10,000 units," said founder, chairman, and CEO of Xiaomi, Lei Jun.

Jixie, which has entered the first echelon, said it delivered 20,106 vehicles in June, an increase of 89.32% year-on-year and 8.00% month-on-month; From January to June, it delivered a total of 87,870 vehicles, a year-on-year increase of 106.11%. Lin Jinwen, Vice President of Ji Kefa Intelligent Technology, revealed that in the second half of this year, Ji Kefa will continue to improve its product matrix, and the medium and large pure electric SUV and Ji Kefa MIX will be launched in the fourth quarter.

According to Deep Blue Auto's June data, it delivered 16,659 vehicles in a single month, up 107.18% year-on-year and 15.92% month-on-month. According to the plan, Deep Blue S07, Deep Blue L07, and Deep Blue S05 will be launched one after another in the second half of this year, and a six-seater SUV will be released next year. Among them, Deep Blue S05 is positioned as a compact SUV and will bear the heavy responsibility of Deep Blue Automobile's "explosive product." With the expansion of its product line, Deep Blue Auto has set a new sales target. "In the fourth quarter, Deep Blue Auto aims to achieve a monthly sales volume of 30,000 units and become the first new energy vehicle enterprise of state-owned enterprises to achieve both scale and profit breakthroughs," said Deep Blue Auto CEO Deng Chenghao.

Compared with Hongmeng Zhixing, Xiaomi Auto, and other companies that are "fully red," Guangqi Aian had a poor performance last month. Guangqi Aian completed sales of 35,027 vehicles in June, a year-on-year decrease of 22.18% and a month-on-month decrease of 12.59%. The total sales volume for 2024 was 177,366, a year-on-year decrease of 15.27%. It is worth noting that this is the fifth consecutive month that Guangqi Aian has seen a year-on-year decline in monthly sales.

Lantu, Zhiji, and Avita also released their June delivery data separately. Lantu delivered 5,507 vehicles in June, up 83.14% year-on-year and 21.81% month-on-month; Zhiji delivered 6,015 vehicles, up 199.70% year-on-year and 41.50% month-on-month; Avita delivered 4,682 vehicles in June, up 67.08% year-on-year and 2.47% month-on-month.

"In June, many regions entered the busy farming season, and season factors such as hot weather and heavy rain in the south had an adverse impact on dealers' customer base and transactions. It is predicted that terminal car sales in June will increase slightly compared to the previous month, at about 1.75 million vehicles." Looking ahead to July, the China Automobile Dealers Association believes that July is traditionally a slow season for the auto market, and dealers believe that overall market performance will be on par with June. With price war adjustments, discounts from multiple automakers are shrinking, and consumer purchasing intentions are declining, leading to more wait-and-see sentiment.

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