

Google has made a big move in clean energy investment again! It announced investment in BlackRock's subsidiaries, the solar energy company. ·  Jul 1 15:06

Google has announced its investment in New Green Power, a solar energy company under BlackRock Debt Strategies Fund Inc. Google may purchase up to 300 megawatts of wind power from the company for its own operation and local suppliers. Currently, Google is making significant investments in clean energy and is accelerating towards its climate goals.

Google has announced its investment in New Green Power, a subsidiary of BlackRock Debt Strategies Fund Inc., and may buy up to 300 megawatts of wind power from the company to help Google and its suppliers reduce carbon emissions. New Green Power is a solar developer and operator located in Taiwan, China.

In the era of explosive growth in ai applications, with the construction of more data centers, the electricity consumption of the technology industry is increasing sharply.

Currently, major technology companies such as Google are stepping up efforts to achieve climate goals by investing in larger-scale clean energy to reduce greenhouse gas emissions associated with their operations and value chains, and Google hopes to continue using carbon-free energy in all of its operations.

Investing heavily in clean energy.

Amanda Peterson Corio, Global Energy Head for Google's Data Center, pointed out that Taiwan is a major site for Google's cloud technology, with data centers and offices, but still relies on fossil fuels for nearly 85% of its electricity generation.

Corio said that Google may buy solar power from New Green Power. As planned, in addition to using the purchased solar power for its own operations, Google can also provide some of the solar power to suppliers and manufacturers in the region.

She also pointed out that sharing with suppliers will help Google reduce its so-called Scope 3 emissions, which are emissions associated with its value chain.

Corio added that the goal of this investment is to push for the establishment of a 1-gigawatt large-scale solar pipeline in Taiwan. It is reported that Taiwan's target is to reach 20 gigawatts of solar installed capacity by 2025 and 80 gigawatts by 2050.

Google is currently investing heavily in clean energy, and prior to its investment in New Green Power, it announced last month an agreement with NV Energy, a utility company under Berkshire Hathaway, to provide advanced geothermal energy for its data centers in Nevada, usa.

The translation is provided by third-party software.

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