
NSW Research Memo(7):中計最終年度の2025年3月期は、売上高・営業利益で過去最高更新の見通し

NSW Research Memo (7): The sales revenue and operating profit for the final year of the Medium-Term Plan in March 2025 are expected to reach a record high.

Fisco Japan ·  Jul 1 12:27

■Future outlook for NSW <9739>

● Earnings forecast for the fiscal year ending 2025/3

While steady demand is expected in the information service industry for the 2025/3 fiscal year, such as further acceleration of DX due to the evolution of AI and security-strengthening related investments against cyber attacks that are becoming more sophisticated day by day, etc., there are also negative materials scattered about future prospects, such as the effects of rising costs due to the depreciation of the yen, intensification of competition due to aggressive investment in Japan by foreign-affiliated IT companies, and the difficulty of securing a labor force due to declining birthrate and aging population. Under these circumstances, the Group has reached the final year of its current medium-term management plan, and plans to incorporate new technologies such as AI into the know-how it has accumulated over many years, advance more advanced development projects, and work towards the realization of a sustainable society.

Regarding consolidated financial results for the fiscal year ending 2025/3, we anticipate an increase in sales and profit for 13 consecutive terms, with sales of 52,000 million yen (up 3.4% from the previous fiscal year), operating income of 6,000 million yen (up 2.3% from the same period), ordinary income of 6,050 million yen (up 1.8% from the same period), and net income attributable to the parent company of 4,175 million yen (down 2.6% from the same period). This is because it is a careful plan compared to the results and growth rate of the previous fiscal year, but it incorporates the uncertainty of the business environment. Therefore, the operating profit margin is also expected to drop 0.2 points, the same as 11.5%. Also, the forecast for a decrease in net income is a reaction decrease due to the elimination of special profit (land sale gain) for the previous fiscal year. However, since the company has a stronger tendency to announce conservative forecasts at the beginning of the fiscal year ending 2025/3, we believe that there is a high possibility that the plan will also be achieved for the full fiscal year ending 2025/3.

By segment, Enterprise Solutions plans an increase or decrease in sales of 16,800 million yen (up 0.6% from the previous fiscal year) and operating profit of 2220 million yen (down 9.0% from the same period), and the operating profit margin is expected to be 13.2% (down 1.4 points from the same period). However, the decline in profit is due to organizational restructuring where part of the business is transferred to service solutions, and it is expected to remain flat on a competency basis. Service Solutions plans to increase sales and profit with sales of 15,300 million yen (up 9.4% from the same period) and operating profit of 1010 million yen (up 137.6% from the same period), and the operating margin is expected to increase 6.6% (up 3.6 points from the same period). Orders are strong and sales are expected to increase, and by regaining the impact of unprofitable projects in the previous fiscal year and returning to a normal state, we plan to raise the operating rate and increase profits drastically. However, since there are many upfront investment factors for developing new services, it is expected that profit margins will continue to remain at a low level compared to other segments. Embedded solutions are expected to remain generally flat, with sales of 10,700 million yen (up 0.5% from the same period), operating profit of 1520 million yen (down 4.9% from the same period), and operating profit margin of 14.2% (down 0.8 points from the same period). Device Solutions also anticipates sales of 9,200 million yen (up 2.7% from the same period), operating profit of 1,250 million yen (down 10.7% from the same period), and operating profit margin of 13.6% (down 2.0 points from the same period). In both segments, the plan is to steadily lead to sales and maintain high profit margins by improving productivity. In device solutions, it is a policy to expand overseas utilization and partner cooperation mainly in Southeast Asia as a countermeasure against a shortage of human resources in the highly specialized semiconductor field, and proceed with new development with the aim of acquiring projects from overseas companies. However, since sales and administration costs are required to develop partners and it takes time to improve efficiency, a decrease in profit is anticipated.

(Written by FISCO Visiting Analyst Shigeki Kuni)

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