
能源行业进入迎峰度夏期 虚拟电厂有望迎投资建设热潮

The energy industry has entered the peak summer period, and virtual power plants are expected to usher in an investment and construction boom. ·  08:01

① Since entering June, Beijing, Shandong, Henan and other places have ushered in hot weather, driving rapid growth in electricity consumption load, and the energy industry has gradually entered the peak summer season. ② Virtual power plants can shift peak loads and peak loads through Internet technology to ensure the balance of electricity consumption in the whole society. It is one of the important means of balancing electricity supply and demand, and is expected to play an important role in the process of facing peak summer.

Since entering June, Beijing, Shandong, Henan and other places have ushered in hot weather, driving rapid growth in electricity consumption, and the energy industry has gradually entered the peak summer season. The National Energy Administration, the State Grid, China Southern Power Grid and other departments are making every effort to ensure the supply of electricity, and “run at full horsepower” for wind energy, solar energy, hydropower, thermal power, nuclear power, etc., to ensure electricity demand.

Zhang Wenchen of Huajin Securities said that recently, many parts of the country have experienced hot weather, electricity consumption has continued to rise, and the critical period of peak summer has arrived. Various departments in many places have recently deployed successive arrangements to ensure the safe and stable supply of electricity this summer around all aspects of energy production, supply and use. Virtual power plants can use Internet technology to balance peak loads and peak loads to ensure the balance of electricity consumption throughout society. It is one of the important means of balancing electricity supply and demand, and is expected to play an important role in the process of facing peak summer. At present, several provinces and cities in China have launched pilot projects for virtual power plants. This time, the “Certain Measures to Support the Accelerated Development of Virtual Power Plants in Shenzhen” clearly stipulates that subsidies for industries related to virtual power plants have been increased; the Shandong Electric Power Trading Center has publicized the registration information of 8 virtual power plants, marking the gradual transition of virtual power plants from the laboratory stage to the engineering application stage.

According to the Finance Federation's theme library, among the relevant listed companies:

Beijing Cree has launched an integrated warehouse for energy storage, PCS, string photovoltaic inverters, energy storage battery BMS, EMS, energy routers, DC distribution network-related conversion equipment, etc. These products can be used in the construction of new power system-related projects such as virtual power plants.

Zeyu Intelligence already has relevant reserves in the direction of virtual power plants and integrated platforms. At the same time, it is actively expanding China Southern Power Grid's business, and will actively lay out and participate in related construction in the future.

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