PACIFIC LEGEND (08547) announced the following changes effective from 28 June 2024...
PACIFIC LEGEND (08547) announced the following changes effective from 28 June 2024:
(a) Mr. John Warren McLennan has retired as executive director and no longer serves as chairman of the board of directors, chief executive officer, member of the remuneration committee, authorized representative, and compliance director;
(b) Ms. Xu Xiaolan has retired as an executive director of the company;
(c) Mr. Li Fenglin has retired as an independent non-executive director of the company, chairman of the remuneration committee, and a member of both the audit committee and nomination committee;
(d) Mr. Chen Jianxin, an independent non-executive director, has been appointed as chairman of the remuneration committee and a member of both the audit committee and nomination committee;
(e) Mr. Xie Jinli has resigned as joint company secretary; and
(f) Ms. Huang Yongwen, an executive director, has been appointed as chairman of the board of directors and authorized representative of the company.