
富石金融(02263)发布年度业绩,股东应占溢利356.8万港元 同比减少70.28%

Fu Shek Fin (02263) released its annual performance, with shareholders' attributable net profit of HKD 3.568 million, a year-on-year decrease of 70.28%.

Zhitong Finance ·  Jun 28, 2024 20:32

Fu Shek Fin (02263) released its annual results for the year ended March 31, 2024, with a revenue of HKD 45.148 million, an increase of 22.23% YoY; net profit of HKD 3.568 million during the year, a decrease of 70.28% YoY; and earnings per share of HKD 0.36 cents.

Looking back on the year, the company's attributable net profit decreased by 70.3% to approximately HKD 3.6 million, mainly due to a decrease in interest income from margin financing services and an increase in impairment losses on accounts receivable generated from securities trading business under the expected credit loss model, offset by an increase in bank interest income received. After deducting the impairment losses, the group's adjusted net profit decreased by 8.5% to HKD 16.2 million (2023: HKD 17.7 million).

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