
珠城科技(301280.SZ):拟推2024年员工持股计划 募资总额不超2337.995万元

Zhucheng Technology (301280.SZ): plans to launch an employee stock ownership plan in 2024, with a total raised amount not exceeding 23.37995 million yuan.

Gelonghui Finance ·  Jun 28 19:01

On June 28th, Gelunhui, Zhu Cheng Technology (301280.SZ) announced the 2024 employee stock ownership plan (draft version). The total amount of funds to be raised under this employee stock ownership plan is no more than 23.37995 million yuan, with "shares" as the subscription unit, and each share is 1 yuan. The upper limit of the number of shares for this employee stock ownership plan is 23.37995 million shares. The specific total amount of funds and shares will be determined based on the actual amount of capital contributed by participants.

The price (including reserved shares) for the company to repurchase shares under this employee stock ownership plan is 19.45 yuan/share.

The total number of participants in this employee stock ownership plan shall not exceed 56 people (excluding the number of reserved shares), including no more than 4 directors, supervisors, and senior management personnel. The specific number of participants will be determined based on the actual payment situation of employees.

The term of this employee stock ownership plan is 60 months, counting from the date when this employee stock ownership plan draft is approved by the company's shareholders' meeting and the first target stocks are transferred to the name of the employee stock ownership plan through company announcement.

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