
大行评级|高盛:上调美光目标价至158美元 看好高频宽存储器市占增长

Goldman Sachs: Raises Micron's target price to $158, bullish on high-frequency wide storage market share growth.

Gelonghui Finance ·  Jun 28 14:16
On June 28, Goldman Sachs raised its target price for Micron from $138 to $158 and maintained its 'buy' rating. The bank pointed out that although Micron's performance in the third fiscal quarter ending in May was strong and significantly exceeded market expectations, the company's forecast for the fourth fiscal quarter ending in August was worse than expected, leading to an 8% drop in after-hours trading (7% the next day). The bank believes that the recent drop in stock prices is a buying opportunity. The bank continues to expect that the initial growth of AI computing will occur in core data centers, but will eventually expand to edge devices. The bank is also bullish on Micron's market share growth in the high-frequency and wide-storage market, as well as the group's well-controlled supply with competitors, which will drive positive earnings per share forecast adjustments for this fiscal year and 2025.

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