

Support open source! Zuckerberg criticized closed-source AI competitors for trying to "play god". ·  Jun 28 12:11

In a recent interview on Thursday, Zuckerberg discussed his view on the future of AI. He firmly believes that AI will not ultimately be "one size fits all" and emphasizes the value of open sourcing - that is, putting AI tools into the hands of more people. Zuckerberg also doesn't forget to demean the practices of those he deems not open enough competitors and accuses them of thinking they are 'creating God.'

On June 28, Caixin News (Editor Xiaoxiang) Meta CEO Zuckerberg discussed his views on the future of artificial intelligence in a recent interview. Zuckerberg firmly believes that artificial intelligence will not ultimately be "just one," and he emphasizes the value of openness- that is, putting artificial intelligence tools in the hands of more people. In terms of product structure, the operating income of products worth 10-30 billion yuan was 401/1288/60 million yuan respectively, in 2023 the company's overall sales volume was 18,000 kiloliters, +28.10% year-on-year, showing significant growth.

Zuckerberg also criticized those competitors who he thinks are not open enough, and accused them of seeming to think they are "creating God."

Zuckerberg said in the interview: "I don’t think AI technology is something that should be hidden- so that only one company can use it to create a centralized, single product they want. "He said," When people in the tech industry talk about how to create "real AI," I feel very disgusted. It's almost like they think they're creating God... but that's not what we're doing, I don't think things will develop that way."

"I understand why (they would do this), if you are in an AI lab... you would feel like what you are doing is super important, right? It’s like we are building the only true (meaningful) thing for the future. But I just think the reality is not like that," Zuckerberg explained. "People's phones don't have only one app. People don't want to get all their content from one creator. People also don't want to buy everything from just one company."

"I believe there is a need to create many different artificial intelligences in the development of AI to reflect people's different interests," Zuckerberg said in the conversation. Regarding those companies that establish closed-source AI platforms, the Meta CEO said he does not believe this is the best way to create the best experience. "Let as many people as possible try different things. That's the culture we should have, right? Rather than a group of people dominating everything for people," he continued.

"People don't just have one application on their phone. People don't want to get all their content from one creator. People don't want to buy everything from just one company."

Zuckerberg believes that it is necessary to create many different types of artificial intelligence in the process of AI development to reflect people's different interests. Regarding those companies that establish closed-source AI platforms, the Meta CEO stated that he does not believe this is the best way to create the best experience.

"Let as many people as possible try different things. That's the culture we should have, right? Rather than a group of people dominating everything for people," he continued.

Currently, Llama-3, Meta's large-scale artificial intelligence model, is one of the world's most powerful open-source AI models. Meta has stated that Llama 3 performs better than advanced models in multiple key benchmark tests, and it leads in complex reasoning, can follow instructions, and can visualize ideas to solve many subtle problems.

On Thursday, the company also announced early testing of its AI Studio software in the United States, which will allow creators and others to create AI avatars that will be able to communicate with people through Instagram's messaging system. These AIs will be able to answer fans' questions, but to avoid confusion, they will be labeled as "artificial intelligence."

In the latest interview, Zuckerberg also talked about the company's progress in Ray-Ban Meta smart glasses and other areas, and said that someday, the development direction of the glasses will coincide with that of holographic display technology. However, the former will be more attractive in the short term.

"In fact, I think we can create an excellent experience even before installing cameras, microphones, speakers and multimodal artificial intelligence capabilities on these glasses. In addition, without a display, costs can be reduced," he said.

Currently, Meta's smart glasses sell for about $300, while its VR headset device, Meta Quest Pro, sells for as much as $1,000.

The translation is provided by third-party software.

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