
港股异动 | 诺诚健华(09969)涨超4% 公司肿瘤产品适应症稳步拓展 近日宣布最高拿30亿理财

Hong Kong stocks surged | Innocare (09969) rose more than 4%, and the company's tumor products are steadily expanding their indications. Recently announced the highest to receive 3 billion yuan of financial management.

Zhitong Finance ·  Jun 28 11:57

Innocare (09969) rose more than 4%, as of press time, up 4.3% at HKD 4.85, with a turnover of HKD 8.87 million.

According to the Wise Money app, Innocare (09969) rose more than 4%, up 4.3% at HKD 4.85, with a turnover of HKD 8.87 million.

On the news side, Huachuang Securities recently released a research report stating that Innocare has deployed six products in the field of hematological tumors, covering various sub-indications such as multiple myeloma, leukemia, and non-hodgkin's lymphoma. The listing of the BTK inhibitor, Obrutinib, with the domestic exclusive indication r/r MZL and inclusion in medical insurance, is expected to significantly increase sales. The company will also submit a listing application for Obrutinib's first-line treatment of CLL/SLL in China this year and for r/r MCL in the United States, further expanding commercial space.

It is reported that Innocare achieved revenue of CNY 739 million in 2023, with product revenue of Obrutinib reaching CNY 671 million, accounting for 90.82%. In addition, on June 25, the company announced that it will use idle self-owned funds of no more than CNY 3 billion to purchase low-risk investment products with high safety and good liquidity, setting the highest amount of authorized cash management in history. According to the STAR Daily, Innocare corporate personnel learned that the significant increase in cash management quota was mainly due to changes in bank interest rates, and stated that this move will not affect the progress of the research pipeline.

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