
港股概念追踪 |为医生节省大量的时间 中金看好AI对医疗行业生产率提升将较大(附概念股)

Hong Kong stock concept tracking | Saving doctors a lot of time, CICC is bullish on AI's significant productivity improvement in the medical industry (with concept stocks)

Zhitong Finance ·  Jun 28 09:09

Microsoft's Nuance Communications, as well as technology companies such as Abridge and Suki, believe that their AI solutions will help greatly reduce the administrative workload of doctors and prioritize meaningful doctor-patient contacts.

For doctors, the hottest new technology - AI - is expected to bring back an ancient medical practice: face-to-face conversations with patients.

At the HIMSS conference held in Orlando, Florida, USA, more than 30,000 health and technology professionals gathered under palm trees. The clinical environmental document was one of the most popular discussion topics at the exhibition.

As the helmsman of Nvidia, Huang Renxun, who has been dubbed the 'Godfather of AI,' has repeatedly called 'AI + medical systems/biology' the 'next amazing revolution' in various public occasions. He even proclaimed at a recent conference that the era when everyone had to learn about computers has passed and that biology and medicine are the future of humanity.

It is reported that Microsoft's Nuance company released its Dragon Ambient eXperience (DAX) Express preview in March of last year. By September, this comprehensive AI solution (now called DAX Copilot) was generally available. Kenneth Harper, general manager of DAX Copilot, said that up to 200 organizations are now using this technology.

According to research reports from China International Capital Corporation, AI is beginning to exhibit a generalizable character, led by large language models, which is laying the foundation for AI to perform meta-tasks and may have significant economic impacts.

Compared to the baseline scenario, it is estimated that by 2035, AI is expected to increase China's GDP by 12.4 trillion yuan, equivalent to an additional growth of 9.8%, corresponding to an additional annualized growth rate increase of about 0.8 percentage points. In the next decade, AI's productivity gains are expected to be greater in industries such as mining, medical instruments, resource processing, information, leasing, and business services, and smaller in industries such as wholesale and retail trade, lodging and dining, and light industry manufacturing.

Under the influence of AI, employment in China may shift in the short term towards industries such as light industry manufacturing, lodging and dining, but in the long term it may shift towards industries such as finance, information services, real estate, leasing and business services, and medical instruments.

AI medical related companies:

Yidu Tech (02158): On December 21, 2023, Yidu Tech officially released its self-developed medical field large-scale model, which landed on both the C-end and B-end. Yidu Tech's self-developed large-scale model is a professional large-scale language model for multiple scenarios in the medical vertical field, and is also a large-scale model that completely adapts to the compatibility of Ascend AI in the medical field; the evaluation performance in multiple medical mission scenarios such as differential diagnosis, basic medicine, general medicine, clinical internal medicine, clinical surgery, and practice qualification examinations has exceeded GPT3.5, and the accuracy and recall rate of data structure tasks are also far higher than those of similar parameter models. The company positions the large-scale model as the new generation “medical super brain,” and it has already been applied to both the C-end and B-end. At the same time, Yidu Tech and Huawei have signed a deep cooperation agreement and jointly launched a smart medical solution.

Eagle Eye Technology-B (02251): The company's core product, Airdoc-AIFUNDUS (1.0), is an AI SaMD that has been approved for use in assisting in the diagnosis of diabetic retinopathy. It is the first AI retinal image recognition and analysis SaMD that has been certified by the National Medical Products Administration and the second globally approved product. The company is committed to retinal AI, myopia prevention and control AI, and vision training AI, and there is a large market space in the industry. According to TAM data, the retinal AI market is expected to reach 34 billion yuan by 2030, and the myopia prevention and control market is expected to reach 210 billion yuan by 2030. The company is expected to achieve rapid growth in the industry's development.

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