
保德国际发展(00372)发布年度业绩 ;股东应占亏损2134.1万港元 同比收窄89.43%

PT Intl Dev (00372) released its annual performance report; shareholders' loss narrowed by 89.43% YoY to HKD 21.34 million.

Zhitong Finance ·  Jun 27 22:58

PT Intl dev (00372) released its annual results for the year ended on March 31, 2024. The group's total revenue was 150 million Hong Kong dollars...

PT Intl dev (00372) released its annual results for the year ended on March 31, 2024. The group's total revenue was 152 million Hong Kong dollars, a decrease of 63.05% from the previous year. Shareholders' loss was 21.341 million Hong Kong dollars, a decrease of 89.43% from the previous year. The loss per share was 0.74 Hong Kong cents.

The main reason for this year's loss was the impairment of property, plants, equipment, and right-of-use assets related to the Petroleum Chemicals Division, partially offset by fair value gains on financial instruments, especially the group's investment in the AFC Mercury Fund.

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