
双杰电气(300444.SZ)大股东袁学恩拟向浙江君弘转让公司5.01%股份 总价2.16亿元

Beijing Sojo Electric (300444.SZ) major shareholder Yuan Xueen intends to transfer 5.01% of the company's shares to Zhejiang Junhong at a total price of 216 million yuan.

Zhitong Finance ·  Jun 27 21:11

Beijing Sojo Electric (300444.SZ) announced that shareholder Yuan Xueen, who holds more than 5% of the company, and specific shareholder Zhejiang Junhong Asset Management Co., Ltd. (representing the "Junhong Qianjiang 77th Phase Private Equity Securities Investment Fund") signed a "Stock Transfer Agreement" on June 27, 2024. Yuan Xueen plans to transfer 40 million unrestricted circulating shares of the company held through the agreement to Zhejiang Junhong, accounting for 5.01% of the current total share capital. The total price of the share transfer is RMB 216 million.

Zhijing Sojo Electric (300444.SZ) issued an announcement that shareholder Yuan Xueen, who holds more than 5% of the company, and specific shareholder Zhejiang Junhong Asset Management Co., Ltd. (representing the "Junhong Qianjiang 77th Phase Private Equity Securities Investment Fund"), signed a "Stock Transfer Agreement" on June 27, 2024. Yuan Xueen plans to transfer 40 million shares of unrestricted circulating stock in the company, accounting for 5.01% of the current total share capital, to Zhejiang Junhong through the agreement. The total price of the share transfer is 216 million yuan.

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