
偉俊集團控股(01013.HK)延遲刊發業績 料7月2日起停牌

Weijun Group Holdings (01013.HK) delays announcing its performance and is expected to halt trading from July 2.

AASTOCKS ·  Jun 27 17:48

Wei Jun Group Holdings (01013.HK) announced that as of today (27th), the company is still collecting and organizing several pieces of information required by the auditor to complete the audit process. As a result, the company needs more time to compile audited annual performance. Wei Jun Group Holdings will strive to publish audited annual results by July 31 this year.

In view of the above, Wei Jun Group Holdings expects that the company's shares will be suspended from trading at 9:00 am on July 2 this year until the announcement of the audited annual performance is published by the company on the Main Board of the Stock Exchange.

The board of directors meeting will be rescheduled and the specific date will be determined at a later time, at which time the company will issue further announcements to notify the company's shareholders and potential investors of the date of the board meeting.

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