

Xi'an International Medical Center Hospital South and North Campus have an average daily bed occupancy rate of about 3500-3600.

Gelonghui Finance ·  Jun 27 16:55

On June 27th, Gelonhui reported that Xi'an International Medical Investment (000516.SZ) is steadily operating and all medical business is being carried out in an orderly manner, with an overall positive growth trend. The average daily number of inpatient beds used in the north and south hospital areas of the Xi'an International Medical Center is about 3,500-3,600 beds per month, and the average daily number of inpatient beds used in Xi'an Gaoxin Hospital is about 1,500-1,600 beds per month. As the number of medical institutions under the company's operation and the utilization rate of beds continues to increase, the operating performance is showing a trend of sustained growth, and profitability will also be further improved.

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