
港股异动|小米午后一度跌超8.3% 近期高管减持股票套现约1.79亿港元惹争议

HK stocks fluctuate | Xiaomi fell more than 8.3% in the afternoon, and recent senior executives' shareholding raised approximately 179 million Hong Kong dollars in cash, causing controversy.

Gelonghui Finance ·  Jun 27 13:50
On June 27, Gelunhui reported that Xiaomi (1810.HK) fell throughout the day, declining more than 8.3% in the afternoon, and initially touching HKD 16.34. Since the announcement of its first-quarter performance on May 23, the stock has fallen by nearly 14% cumulatively. On the news front, Xiaomi's second-in-command Lin Bin recently reduced his shareholding and cashed in about HKD 179 million, raising questions from investors about his failure to comply with his promise not to decrease his holdings made four years ago. The disclosed information shows that from **** to 6th, Xiaomi's co-founder and vice chairman Lin Bin reduced his holdings of 10 million shares of Xiaomi Group over three trading days, cashing in a total of about HKD 179 million. Lin Bin responded in detail to the shareholding reduction on Weibo on June 22, stating that the 2020 announcement had stated that the commitment not to sell did not include the 120 million shares donated to the Bin Lin and Daisy Liu Family Foundation. All shares donated to the foundation could only be used for charitable purposes. In addition to the portion to be donated to his alma mater Sun Yat-sen University, there will be more charitable donations in the future.

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