
北京楼市新政落地 房地产行业估值有望迎来整体修复

New policies in the Peking real estate market will lead to overall recovery in the industry valuation. ·  Jun 27 08:13

Beijing issued a notice on optimizing the real estate market and promoting stable and healthy development policies. Starting from the day after the issuance of this notice, for residents who use loans to purchase their first commodity housing, the minimum down payment ratio is adjusted to no less than 20%. Support the demand for improved housing for families with multiple children. For multi-child families with Beijing household registration and two or more children, the purchase of the second set of housing is recognized as the first set of housing in personal housing loans.

Beijing issued a notice on optimizing the real estate market and promoting stable and healthy development policies. Starting from the day after the issuance of this notice, for residents who use loans to purchase their first commodity housing, the minimum down payment ratio is adjusted to no less than 20%. Support the demand for improved housing for families with multiple children. For multi-child families with Beijing household registration and two or more children, the purchase of the second set of housing is recognized as the first set of housing in personal housing loans.

Industry insiders said that the four first-tier cities of Shanghai, Guangzhou, Shenzhen, and Beijing have all adjusted their policies on the minimum interest rates and minimum down payments for housing loans, creating a very good environment for a relaxed buying atmosphere in the second half of the year. This is also conducive to further increasing the market confidence of homebuyers, and has a positive effect on boosting the future market outlook. Hu Xiaoyu, an analyst at China Galaxy Securities, pointed out that on the basis of the gradual effects of policies unfolding, the industry valuation may usher in overall recovery, and leading real estate companies may achieve operational improvement by virtue of lower financing costs and advantages of high market share in core regions, and realize the opportunities of Beta through valuation recovery as a whole.

According to the Financial Data Center, among related listed companies:

Beijing Urban Construction Investment & Development is a high-quality real estate company covering multiple formats with Beijing as the core. In 2023, the company achieved a sales area of 735,000 square meters, ranking second in the Beijing real estate industry for three consecutive years according to Ke Research Institute.

Beijing Dalong Weiye Real Estate Development is a state-owned holding real estate listed company belonging to Shunyi District of Beijing, which has been deeply cultivating the Beijing market for many years and has a lot of regional resources.

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