
*ST美谷(000615.SZ):撤销退市风险警示、其他风险警示并继续实施其他风险警示 6月27日停牌一天

Aoyuan Beauty Valley Technology (000615.SZ): Revokes delisting risk warning, other risk warnings and continues to implement other risk warnings. Suspended for one day on June 27.

Gelonghui Finance ·  Jun 26 22:05

Aoyuan Beauty Valley Technology (000615.SZ) announced that the company's stock trading will be suspended for one day from the opening of the market on June 27, 2024 and resumed from the opening of the market on June 28, 2024.

Starting from the opening of the market on June 28, 2024, the company's stock trading will lift the risk warning and continue to implement other risk warnings, and the stock abbreviation will be changed from "*ST Aoyuan Beauty Valley Technology" to "ST Aoyuan Beauty Valley Technology". The stock code remains as "000615", and the daily limit of stock price increase or decrease remains at 5%.

Other risk warning situations triggered by the fact that the company's net income before and after deducting non-recurring gains and losses in the past three accounting years are negative and the latest audit report shows that the company's continuing operation ability is uncertain, have not been eliminated yet. According to relevant provisions of Article 9.8.1 (7) of the "Stock Listing Rules of Shenzhen Stock Exchange" (revised in 2024), the company's stock will continue to implement other risk warnings.

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