

Research Reports Gold Mining | Haitong Securities: Tianqi Lithium Corporation's mine and lithium salt product costs are in a leading position, with a rating of "outperform the market".

Gelonghui Finance ·  Jun 26 16:00
On June 26, Guolonghui reported that Tianqi Lithium Corporation (002466.SZ) is the core symbol of the entire lithium industry chain, owning the highest-quality lithium mine, Talison, and controlling top global salt lake resources through participation in SQM and other methods. The company's mine and lithium salt product costs are leading due to its advantages. Due to the impact of SQM's tax disputes on the company's net income in 2024 Q1, we chose PB as the method of valuation. Referring to comparable company valuation levels, we give a 2024 PB valuation range of 1.4-1.6 times, corresponding to a reasonable value range of 43.18-49.34 yuan, and we give a rating of "outperforming the market."

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