
大行评级|招银国际:维持海底捞“买入”评级 杨利娟辞任CEO对其影响中性

Banking Rating | CMB International: Maintains a "buy" rating on haidilao, Yang Lijuan's resignation as CEO has a neutral impact on it.

Gelonghui Finance ·  Jun 26 14:08
Gelonghui, June 26 | Haidilao recently announced that Yang Lijuan will resign as the company's executive director and CEO on July 1 and will be transferred to the same company Tehai International as the executive director and CEO, while Gou Yiqun, the deputy general manager, will take over as the executive director and CEO of Haidilao. According to a research report published by CMB International, the impact of the current job transfer expectations on Haidilao is not negative, as the company's business conditions continue to improve, and the potential to open new stores is still increasing, which is believed to be beneficial for TSEA. The bank believes that the competitiveness of Haidilao's management team will not be greatly affected. It is hoped that the new CEO Gou Yiqun will have strong management skills. He has held positions such as chief financial officer, IT department head, supply chain and procurement director, and was also one of the first employees when the company started up. CMB International currently maintains a “buy” rating for Haidilao. The target price is HK$21.52, which corresponds to the projected price-earnings ratio for the 2024 fiscal year unchanged by about 20 times.

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