
港股概念追踪 |华润新能源投资公司增资至207亿 电力体制改革持续深化(附概念股)

Hong Kong stock concept tracking | China Resources New Energy Investment Co. increased its investment to 20.7 billion yuan, and the power system reform continues to deepen (with concept stocks)

Zhitong Finance ·  Jun 26 09:51

In the next stage of power reform, the focus will be on accelerating the construction of inter-provincial and spot markets for electricity, further increasing the proportion of market electricity, and preliminary establishing a unified national power market system by 2025.

According to Tianyancha App, recently, there has been a change in the business registration of China Res New Energy Investment Co., Ltd., with the registered capital increasing from 10 billion yuan to about 20.737 billion yuan. The company was established in May 2011, with Peng Feng as the legal representative, and its business scope includes investment in new energy fields such as wind power, photovoltaic power generation, and waste power generation; setting up research and development centers or departments to engage in the research and development of new products and high-tech; undertaking outsourcing services from the parent company and affiliated companies. According to shareholder information, the company is wholly-owned by Hong Kong-registered China Res Power New Energy Investment Co., Ltd.

Northeast Securities has released a research report, stating that under the background of dual carbon goals, China's power system reform is expected to continue to deepen, and the trading electricity price will fluctuate with electricity supply and demand and the cost of power supply.

Compared with overseas markets, China's spot market and ancillary service market still have broad development space. With the large-scale and high-proportion access of new energy to the power system, the importance of system-regulating resources such as thermal power, hydropower, energy storage, and virtual power plants will gradually increase. According to the overall principle of "who serves, who benefits, who benefits, who bears", the future profitability and profit-making ability are expected to improve.

China Galaxy Securities has released a research report stating that the market is worried that weak economic recovery will drag down the enthusiasm of various provinces for electricity reform, but since the beginning of the year, intensive electricity reform policies have been introduced, and the enterprise and expert symposium in May is an important signal from the central level to promote electricity reform, and subsequent progress of electricity reform is expected to exceed expectations.

For the next stage of power reform, the focus will be on accelerating the construction of inter-provincial and spot markets for electricity, further increasing the proportion of market electricity, and preliminary establishing a multi-dimensional value system such as regulating value and green environmental value to promote the safe and stable operation of the new power system and the transformation to green and low-carbon.

Companies related to power grid operation include:

Huaneng Power International, Inc. (00902), CGN Power (01816), China Resources Power (00836), Datang International Power Generation Co., Ltd. (00991), Datang Renew (01798), CGN Power (01816), Huadian Power International Corporation Limited (01071), China Longyuan Power Group Corporation Limited (00916), China Power (02380), and China Suntien Green Energy Corporation Limited (00956), etc.

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