

Buffett speeds up shareholding of BYD! Sold 1% of the total share capital in just one week. How to interpret? ·  Jun 26 09:50

When did Buffett start shareholding? Why did Buffett reduce its shareholding in BYD Co., Ltd.?

Recently, there have been frequent actions of shareholding reduction by Warren Buffett with an accelerating momentum. According to the document disclosed by Hong Kong Stock Exchange on June 25th, Berkshire Hathaway, a subsidiary of Buffett, reduced 2.0175 million shares of BYD Company Limited listed in Hong Kong on June 19th, cashing out HKD 560 million, and the proportion of holdings positions decreased from 6.9% to 5.99% of total BYD shares.$BYD COMPANY (01211.HK)$There have been frequent actions of shareholding reduction by Warren Buffett recently, with an accelerating momentum. According to the document disclosed by Hong Kong Stock Exchange on June 25th, Berkshire Hathaway, a subsidiary of Buffett, reduced 2.0175 million shares of BYD Company Limited listed in Hong Kong on June 19th, cashing out HKD 560 million, and the proportion of holdings positions decreased from 6.9% to 5.99% of total BYD shares.

Note: Warren Buffett reducing his shareholdings in BYD Company Limited.
Note: Warren Buffett reducing his shareholdings in BYD Company Limited.

The following are Warren Buffett's movements of reducing his shareholdings in BYD Company Limited since mid-June 2022:

On August 24th, 2022, sold 1.331 million shares of BYD's H shares at an average price of HKD 227.10 per share.

On September 1st, 2022, 1.716 million BYD H-shares were reduced, with an average price of HKD 262.72 per share.

On November 1st, 2022, 3.297 million BYD H-shares were reduced, with an average price of HKD 169.86 per share.

On November 8th, 2022, 5.7825 million BYD H-shares were reduced, with an average price of HKD 196.994 per share.

On November 17th, 2022, 3.2255 million BYD H-shares were reduced, with an average price of HKD 195.421 per share.

On December 8th, 2022, 1.3295 million BYD H-shares were reduced, with an average price of HKD 201.343 per share.

On January 3rd, 2023, 1.058 million BYD H-shares were reduced, with an average price of HKD 191.44 per share.

On January 27th, 2023, 1.55 million BYD H-shares were reduced, with an average price of HKD 226.32 per share.

On February 3rd, 2023, 4.235 million BYD H-shares were reduced, with an average price of HKD 257.9 per share.

On March 31st, 2023, 2.48 million BYD H-shares were reduced, with an average price of HKD 217.67 per share.

On May 2nd, 2023, 1.961 million BYD H-shares were reduced, with an average price of HKD 235.64 per share.

On June 19th, 2023, 2.532 million BYD H-shares were reduced, with an average price of HKD 266.85 per share.

On October 25th, 2023, 820,000 BYD H-shares were reduced, with an average price of HKD 245.86 per share.

On June 11th, 2024, 1.347 million BYD H-shares were reduced, with an average price of HKD 230.46 per share.

On June 19th, 2024, sold 2.0175 million shares of BYD's H Shares at an average price of HKD 234.57 per share.

It is worth noting that the last time Berkshire Hathaway disclosed information about selling BYD's shares was just last week. According to the data disclosed by the Hong Kong Stock Exchange on June 17th, 2025, Berkshire Hathaway sold 1.3475 million shares of BYD's H shares on June 11th, reducing their holding positions from 7.02% to 6.9%.

This means that in the week after the sale on June 11th, Berkshire Hathaway's holding positions dropped by nearly one percentage point, and the speed of reduction has accelerated. The time interval of the last 1% reduction was more than seven months, from October 25th, 2023 to June 11th of this year.

Why did Buffett reduce his stake in BYD?

According to various media reports and analysis, Warren Buffett's reduction of shareholdings in BYD Company Limited may be due to various considerations, including better capital allocation, achieving investment returns, adjusting investment strategies, and the possible shift of the company's global strategy.

Capital allocation: Buffett has stated in public that reducing his stake in BYD is to better allocate capital. This suggests that Buffett may be considering investing in other areas that he believes have more potential or better fit his investment strategy.

Investment returns: Since investing in BYD in 2008, Buffett has achieved a significant growth in BYD's stock price. He may think that now is a suitable time to realize some investment returns.

Adjusting investment strategies: Based on his judgment of market conditions, company performance, or macroeconomic factors, Buffett may have decided to adjust his investment portfolio to adapt to changing market conditions.

Company strategy: Buffett has stated that Berkshire Hathaway wants to focus more on the U.S. market, which may be one of the reasons for reducing its investments in markets outside the U.S., such as BYD.

Edited by Jeffrey

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