Roma Meta Group (08072) released its annual performance for the year ending on March 31, 2024. The group period...
According to the announcement from the Zhixun Finance & Economics App, Roma Meta Group (08072) released its annual performance for the year ending on March 31, 2024. The group's revenue was 52.436 million Hong Kong dollars, a decrease of 14.58% compared to the same period last year. The shareholders' net loss was 40.99 million Hong Kong dollars, an increase of 39.65% compared to the same period last year. The basic loss per share was 0.05 Hong Kong dollars.
The announcement stated that evaluation and advisory services provided by the group contributed approximately 52.5% to the group's total revenue. Service fees generated by the evaluation and advisory services decreased by 27.1% from approximately 37.7 million Hong Kong dollars in the same period last year to approximately 27.5 million Hong Kong dollars in the current year. The decrease was mainly due to the inactive investment market in Hong Kong, which led to a decrease in mergers and acquisitions and fewer projects being undertaken.