

Baidu Intelligent Cloud announced the comprehensive upgrade of its three core large-scale model application products, Zenith, Kehue and Xiling.

AASTOCKS ·  Jun 25 16:11

According to internal media reports, baidu (09888.HK) (BIDU.US) held an AI Cloud Day large model application product release conference for its baidu AI cloud today (25th), announcing the comprehensive upgrade of three core large model application products: a one-stop knowledge management platform called Zhenzhi, an intelligent customer service product called Keyue, and a digital people platform called Xiling. Yu Youping, vice president of baidu AI Cloud, revealed that knowledge management, customer service, and marketing are currently the key areas where artificial intelligence large models can help enterprises reduce costs and increase revenue. It is expected that through the upgrade of these products, greater value can be provided to customers and partners.

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