
澁澤倉庫 Research Memo(10):減収減益だが「中期経営計画2026」はおおむねクリア

Shibasawa Warehouse Research Memo (10): Although there is a decrease in revenue and profit, the "Mid-Term Management Plan for 2026" is generally on track.

Fisco Japan ·  Jun 25 16:00

■Performance Trends of Shibusawa Warehouse <9304>

1. Performance trends for the fiscal year ending March 31, 2024

The financial results for the fiscal year ending 2024/3, the final year of the “Mid-Term Management Plan 2023” were operating revenue of 73,417 million yen (down 6.5% from the previous fiscal year), operating profit of 4,271 million yen (down 12.7% from the same period), ordinary profit of 5,091 million yen (down 12.9% from the same period), and net income attributable to parent company shareholders of 3,728 million yen (down 0.8% from the same period). Compared to the forecast at the beginning of the fiscal year, operating income fell short of 5,583 million yen, operating income of 429 million yen, and ordinary income of 209 million yen, respectively, and exceeded 128 million yen in net income attributable to parent company shareholders. As for the “Mid-Term Management Plan 2023,” only operating income and ordinary profit were achieved in the fiscal year ending 2024/3, but since both operating income and profit have already been cleared for the fiscal year ending 2023/3, it can be said that it is generally good.

Although the Japanese economy showed a moderate recovery trend due to improvements in the employment/income environment and a pick-up in private consumption, the future remained uncertain, as the effects on exchange rates due to rising prices and global monetary tightening continued, and geopolitical risks of the Ukraine conflict and the situation in the Middle East increased. Under such an environment, the company strengthened its profitability to provide competitive logistics services and expand its business area based on the business strategy set out in the “Mid-Term Management Plan 2023,” and worked to improve work efficiency and profitability by promoting mechanization and labor saving. Also, in the real estate business, planned maintenance and improvement work for existing facilities was carried out to improve the added value of existing assets, and efforts were made to maintain a stable profit base by collecting appropriate fees.

As a result, although there was an increase in the handling of strong beverages and food, and profit contributions from new in-factory logistics contract operations and operation of new bases, sales declined mainly due to a decrease in port transportation/cargo handling operations due to supply chain changes for some customers, and the cancellation of large-scale contract work in the real estate business, mainly due to the fact that sea/airfare unit prices, which had risen due to the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic, began to decline toward normalization. On the profit side, gross operating profit margin improved due to improvements in the occupancy rate of R&D rental facilities in Yokohama City, improvements in the mix in warehouse operations, etc. Meanwhile, although work efficiency has progressed due to horizontal deployment of automatic conveyors, etc., in addition to labor costs due to improved treatment and strengthening research human resources, etc., advance costs such as DX and environmental measures have increased. Also, although Data Keeping Service Co., Ltd. was made into an equity company in 2022/3, non-operating profit and loss worked slightly negatively due to the normalization of domestic ship market conditions in Vietnam, which had been soaring, and special profit and loss worked positively as fixed asset disposal losses and impairment losses of some assets that occurred in the previous fiscal year were resolved.

As for the logistics business environment, cargo movements for both domestic and import/export cargo remained sluggish, and costs continued to increase due to high energy prices and labor shortages. Also, due to turbulence in shipping market conditions such as container shortages, and the resolution of air cargo space supply restrictions, the unit price of marine and air freight rates fell from the previous fiscal year, but has stopped declining recently and has remained flat. As for the company's logistics business, in addition to strong handling of beverages and food, in-factory logistics contract operations that have begun to be handled newly and improvements in the operating rate of R&D rental facilities in Yokohama City contributed to profits, but handling of international transportation operations and import/export cargo handling operations declined due to a decline in sea/airfare unit prices and a decrease in cargo handling volume. As for the real estate business environment, the average vacancy rate for office buildings in urban areas remained at a high level, and average rents remained flat. In the company's real estate business, in addition to the cancellation of large tenant construction contracts and temporary non-operation of some facilities, LED lighting installation costs, etc. aimed at reducing environmental load increased, resulting in a decrease in sales and profit.

(Written by FISCO Visiting Analyst Miyata Hitomitsu)

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