
吉利旗下eVTOL企业取得重大突破 低空经济市场空间有望加速打开

Geely's eVTOL subsidiary has made a major breakthrough, and the low-altitude economy market space is expected to accelerate its opening. ·  Jun 25 07:59

According to media reports, on June 23, the first flying car of Wofei Aerospace, a subsidiary of Geely Technology, completed its first public flight. This is the first time that Wofei Aerospace has fully demonstrated the Wofei Aerospace AE200 validation aircraft in full-attitude flight test to the public. Sealand Securities said that under the background of the top-level design and advanced industrial foundation of the Chinese market, it may promote the global low-altitude economy to enter a new stage of development, embracing the trillion-dollar market space for the long term.

According to media reports, on June 23rd, the first flying car of VOL feast long sky, a subsidiary of Geely Technology, completed its first public flight. This is the first time that VOL feast long sky has shown its AE200 verification machine for full-tilt flight test to the public. The AE200 verification machine has successfully completed all the subjects of the full-size, full-weight, and full-wire-tilt transition series of flight tests, becoming the first eVTOL manufacturer in China and the second in the world to complete such test subjects. This marks a major breakthrough in the development of eVTOL in China, accelerating the commercialization of eVTOL and the acceleration of low-altitude travel into reality.

Sealand Securities stated that a new round of digital and electrification revolution is gradually unfolding in the aviation industry. Against the backdrop of the top-level design of the Chinese market and the development of an advanced industrial base, it may promote the global low-altitude economy into a new development stage, bringing about changes in travel methods and embracing long-term trillion-dollar market space.

According to the Financial Data Center, among related listed companies:

Qingdao Sentury Tire has the ability to develop and manufacture flying car tires. The company has successfully obtained the qualification for the matching of the only domestic flying car tire project - Xiaopeng flying car tire project.

NARUI radar's fully polarized multifunctional phased array radar, which is independently developed by the company, adopts a multi-functional integrated design, and is dedicated to solving aviation weather warning, low-slow-small flight object monitoring warning, and active detection, identification and tracking of aircraft problems.

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