
發改委:鼓勵限購城市放寬購車限制 引導電商舉辦銀髮主題購物節

NDRC: Encourage cities with purchase restrictions to relax limits on car buying, and guide e-commerce platforms to host silver-haired themed shopping festivals.

AASTOCKS ·  Jun 24 15:49

The National Development and Reform Commission and other departments have issued the "Measures for Creating New Consumption Scenes and Cultivating New Consumption Areas" and proposed to expand new consumption scenes for automobiles. Encourage cities with restricted vehicle purchases to relax vehicle purchase restrictions and issue more vehicle purchase indicators. Through the cooperation of the central and local governments, funds will be allocated to support the scrapping and renewal of old vehicles that meet the relevant conditions. Encourage qualified localities to support automobile replacement and renewal. Expand the pilot scope of fully electric vehicles in public areas. Steadily promote the commercialization and operation of autonomous driving and create new scenes of high-end intelligent driving. Launch a pilot program for the integrated application of smart automobile and car-road coordination. Launch a pilot reform of urban automobile circulation and consumption. Combining automobile events, self-driving camping, automobile cultural experiences, automobile modifications, automobile rentals, etc., enrich the products and services of the automobile aftermarket and further promote convenient and secure transactions for second-hand cars.

The measures also propose to guide e-commerce platforms and large supermarkets to hold shopping festivals for seniors, and support the establishment of senior consumer zones. Accelerate the aging transformation of consumption places, encourage the establishment of elderly zones or convenient windows in shopping malls, supermarkets, etc., and improve elderly people's convenience in consumption. Optimize and improve elderly meal assistance services, and encourage qualified localities to provide subsidies or issue elderly meal vouchers to elderly people who enjoy meal assistance services in accordance with regulations, taking into account their economic development level and financial situation.

The measures also propose to support the intelligent upgrading of dining consumption. Promote the digital transformation of dining operation subject, and improve the market analysis and customer acquisition capabilities. Continuously optimize entry and exit policies and measures, actively study the increase in the number of countries with transit visa-free policies, and appropriately increase the frequency of inbound flights from major source countries, and launch more high-quality inbound tourism products and services.

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