
唐人神(002567.SZ):1-5月累计生猪销量158.93万头 生猪出栏量和资产负债率约处于行业中位

Tangrenshen Group (002567.SZ): Cumulative sales of 1.5893 million live pigs from January to May, with live pig output and asset-liability ratio at approximately the industry median.

Gelonghui Finance ·  Jun 24 15:25

On June 24, Grong Hui reported that Tangrenshen Group (002567.SZ) stated on the investor interaction platform that the company's cumulative sales of hogs from January to May 2024 amounted to 1.5893 million (139.74 million commodity pigs and 19.19 million piglets), a year-on-year increase of 17.95%. The company's piglet output and asset-liability ratio are approximately at the industry median. The fluctuations in the company's share price and market capitalization are influenced by various factors such as macroeconomics, geopolitics, pig price trends, investor expectations, and the overall market environment. In the future, the company will continue to strengthen communication with investors, actively engage with institutions and individual investors, and manage investor relations well. More importantly, the company will continue to do well in the production and operation of the three major industries of hog farming, fodder, and meat, and create better returns for shareholders. In addition, the company has always been committed to building a low-cost production system, striving to continuously reduce the cost of hog farming.

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