
煤氣(00003.HK):已採取措施應對極端天氣影響 將分階段引入零碳燃料

Gas (00003.HK): Measures have been taken to cope with extreme weather and will introduce zero-carbon fuels in stages.

AASTOCKS ·  Jun 24 09:05

Hong Kong and China Gas (00003.HK) announced that the company has taken various measures to adapt to the increasingly severe impact of extreme weather on public services in Hong Kong.

The gas company revealed that it is continuing to conduct climate risk assessments, on-site facility inspections, review and improvement of emergency response measures. This includes upgrading flood prevention facilities at the Tai Po Gas Plant to identify flood and typhoon risks, installing flood gates and pumps at critical locations in the plant, and establishing a flood warning system. As for the gas supply network, the gas company is upgrading pipeline facilities and continuously monitoring and enhancing system resilience to withstand extreme weather. At the same time, ultrasound instruments are used to check the condition of pipelines, and a self-developed 'all-around steel pipe interior repair robot' is used to work inside the pipes.

The gas company stated that these measures will help to ensure a safe and reliable gas supply. In order to comply with Hong Kong's development and enhance the safety and reliability of gas supply, the gas company has invested about HKD 1.9 billion in capital expenditure over the past two years, mainly for pipeline facilities and updating plant equipment.

In addition, to comply with China's '3060' dual carbon target and Hong Kong SAR Government's 2050 carbon neutrality strategy, the gas company plans to introduce and use zero carbon fuels to replace fossil fuels in stages. The goal is to reduce the total carbon intensity of gas usage by 36% compared to the 2019 baseline year, achieving 0.15 kilograms of carbon dioxide equivalent per kilowatt-hour by 2035 or earlier.

The gas company also stated that it will continue to closely monitor climate resilience strategies, update emergency preparedness plans in a timely manner, conduct regular emergency drills, and conduct climate checks to ensure that gas production and transmission and distribution facilities can effectively withstand extreme weather.

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