
AI算力加速建设 机构建议关注先进封装相关企业

In the field of AI computing power acceleration construction, institutions suggest paying attention to advanced packaging-related companies. ·  Jun 24 08:01

According to media reports, in order to meet the demand for computing power of future artificial intelligence (AI), Taiwan Semiconductor is researching a new advanced chip packaging method using a rectangular substrate instead of the traditional round wafer, to place more chips on each wafer. Huafu Securities stated that advanced packaging will become the main growth driver of the global packaging market. It is recommended to focus on related companies that layout advanced packaging, core packaging equipment and materials.

According to media reports, in order to meet the future demand of artificial intelligence (AI) for computing power, Taiwan Semiconductor is researching a new advanced chip packaging method that uses a rectangular substrate instead of the traditional circular wafer, thus placing more chips on each wafer. Multiple informed sources said that Taiwan Semiconductor is working with equipment and material suppliers to develop this new method, but commercialization may take several years.

AI computing power construction is accelerating, and international giants are leading continued iteration of advanced packaging technology. Huafu Securities said that the post-Moore era is coming, and advanced packaging is flourishing. According to Yole's forecast, the advanced packaging market will increase to $78.6 billion at a compound annual growth rate of 10.6% from 2022 to 2028, and it is expected that the proportion of advanced packaging in the packaging industry will reach 57.8% in 2028. Advanced packaging will become the main growth pole of the global packaging market. It is recommended to pay attention to related enterprises that focus on advanced packaging, core packaging equipment, and materials.

According to the Financial Data Center, among related listed companies:

Aisen shares' electroplating solution, photoresist and supporting reagents and other products are applied in the field of advanced process packaging, which belong to advanced process packaging materials.

As one of the few domestic suppliers of fully automatic plastic packaging equipment for semiconductors, Naiko Equipment's main product is transfer molding process equipment, which has been successfully applied in advanced packaging processes such as QFN and DFN. The pressure molding process equipment for wafer-level advanced packaging is still under development.

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