

Multiple infectious diseases have broken out in Japan: cases of "flesh-eating bacteria" and other diseases are surging, which may affect the economic recovery.

FX168 ·  Jun 23 10:51

In recent times, Japan has experienced various epidemics, with deadly infections reaching record highs, causing widespread concern. Especially Streptococcal Toxic Shock Syndrome (STSS) caused by 'cannibal bacteria' has now surpassed 1,000 cases, creating a serious situation for both public health and economic recovery.

Historical peak reached in cases of the cannibal bacteria.

According to data from the National Institute of Infectious Diseases in Japan, as of June 9th, cumulative STSS cases in Japan have reached 1,019, a historic high. STSS is caused by Group A Streptococcus, also known as 'cannibal bacteria', which can invade the bloodstream or muscle tissue, causing severe multiple organ failure and death. Symptoms usually include fever, muscle pain, sore throat, etc. If left untreated may be life-threatening within 24 to 48 hours.

The number of cases in Tokyo, Aichi, Saitama, and Osaka Prefecture continues to be high. Experts say that the spread of this bacterium is mainly through contact or droplet transmission, some cases have been caused by the UK M1 variant, which is even more toxic.

Hand, Foot, and Mouth Disease (HFMD) outbreak worsens.

At the same time, the number of HFMD patients nationwide in Japan is rapidly increasing. As of June 22nd, nearly 50,000 people have been diagnosed this year. Osaka Prefecture, Hyogo Prefecture, and Kagoshima Prefecture have issued epidemic alerts, urging the public to strengthen prevention measures.

HFMD mainly affects children under 5 years old, and symptoms include fever, mouth ulcers, and rashes on the hands and feet. Although the disease is usually mild, it may cause serious complications in some cases.

Other infectious diseases are also breaking out.

Japan is also facing outbreaks of several other infectious diseases, including Group A Streptococcal pharyngitis, mumps, pharyngoconjunctival fever, herpangina, and infectious gastroenteritis. The National Institute of Infectious Diseases pointed out that these infectious diseases have reached epidemic levels in many parts of the country, putting public health in a precarious situation.

Economic impact.

The outbreak of various infectious diseases not only poses a threat to Japan's public health, but also has a negative impact on economic recovery.

The tourism and consumption industries are hit particularly hard, especially the spread of HFMD and STSS, which may cause parents to reduce going out and affect the income of the retail, dining, and entertainment industries.

The Japanese government has been trying to promote economic recovery. With the advantage of the exchange rate of the Japanese yen, the attractiveness of the Japanese tourism industry has greatly increased. However, infectious disease outbreaks may make this process more complicated.

Experts call for strengthened prevention and control measures.

Experts pointed out that the rebound of common viral and bacterial infections after the epidemic may be one of the reasons for the current surge in infectious diseases. The blockade measures during the COVID-19 epidemic reduced the transmission of many pathogens, but as social activities resumed, these infections re-emerged.

Kohiro Kaneko, a professor at Osaka Public University, stressed that the public should strengthen protection measures, including washing their hands frequently, wearing masks, and keeping wounds clean to prevent the spread of infection. As there is currently no effective vaccine for STSS, basic infection control measures are particularly important.

The Japanese government and public health agencies are closely monitoring the development of the epidemic and calling on the public to remain vigilant. Researchers are also actively exploring new methods to treat STSS. Recently, a low-molecular-weight compound, Mn007, has been discovered to effectively inhibit the proliferation of Streptococcus pyogenes, providing a new direction for future drug development.

As various infectious diseases continue to break out, the Japanese public health system and economic recovery face enormous pressure and challenges. Experts suggest that foreign tourists preparing to travel to Japan should also pay attention to personal hygiene and protection measures to avoid infection risks. This is not only a public health issue, but also an important factor affecting economic stability.

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