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Hong Kong stock market anomalies | Marine transportation stocks have fallen again, leading shipping companies are testing market acceptance of price increases, institutions say that the slope of the increase in freight rates may slow down.

Zhitong Finance ·  Jun 21 11:24

Marine transportation stocks fell sharply in early trading, as of press time, Cosco Shipping Holdings (01919) fell by 4.11%, to HKD 14; OOIL (00316) fell by 3.85%, to HKD 130; SITC (01308) fell by 2.23%, to HKD 21.9.

According to Zhixun Finance and Economics APP, marine transportation stocks fell sharply in early trading, as of press time, Cosco Shipping Holdings (01919) fell by 4.11%, to HKD 14; OOIL (00316) fell by 3.85%, to HKD 130; SITC (01308) fell by 2.23%, to HKD 21.9.

On the news front, according to Lei Yue, the head of shipping research at Haitong Futures, on June 17, Maersk opened its 27th week trial cabin prices, with a unit price of $8,000 from Shanghai to Antwerp, which is lower than the previously announced price of $9,000, showing a tentative attitude. As the current market acceptance of large container freight rates is generally around $7,200-$7,400, and most of the booking demand is concentrated at the end of June, with booking demand not fully released in July, combined with Maersk's recent increase in refund charges to suppress the willingness of freight forwarders to book early, this round of Maersk trial cabins opened at $8,000, with a general market acceptance.

Shanghai Zhongjin Futures stated that in terms of spot freight rates, the market's acceptance has continued to increase from around $6,200 at the beginning of June to around $7,000 at present. At present, booking is difficult, with a loading rate of over 90%, and the market still expects prices to rise in July and August. GTJA stated that due to external geopolitical factors, marine transportation supply continues to be tight, and freight rates have been rising since May 2024. With the easing of supply pressure and a background of flat demand, the slope of the freight rate increase may slow down.

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