
美国6月15日当周首申23.8万人 环比减少5000人

The first US application for the week of June 15 was 238,000, a decrease of 5,000 over the previous month

wallstreetcn ·  Jun 20 20:52

The number of renewals rose slightly, and the 4-week moving average was the highest since September last year.

The cooling labor market stabilized, and the number of first-time applicants in the US did not change much last week.

On Thursday June 20, the number of people applying for unemployment benefits for the first time in the US fell by 5,000 to 238,000 in the week of June 15, higher than expected by 235,000. The previous value was slightly raised from 242,000 to 243,000.

Meanwhile, the number of people applying for unemployment benefits in the US rose to 1,828,000 in the week of June 8, slightly exceeding expectations of 1.81 million. The previous value was revised down from 1.82 million to 1,813,000.

However, the four-week moving average, which smoothed short-term fluctuations, rose to 232,750, the highest level since September last year.

After the data was released, the overall market did not fluctuate much. The US dollar index declined slightly in the short term and is now at 105.40. US stock futures did not fluctuate much in the short term, and Nasdaq 100 futures maintained a 0.5% increase.

The yield on US 10-year Treasury bonds declined in the short term and is now at 4.236%. Spot gold did not fluctuate much in the short term and is currently reported at $2340.28 per ounce.

The number of unemployment claims has remained low over the past year, and the labor market has shown resilience in the face of high prices and high interest rates. However, the number of first-time applicants in the US has increased in recent times, and these figures tend to fluctuate during the holidays and school holidays.

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