
华铭智能(300462.SZ):股票交易异常波动 无应披露重大信息

Shanghai Huaming Intelligent Terminal Equipment (300462.SZ) experienced abnormal fluctuations in stock trading without disclosing any significant information.

Gelonghui Finance ·  Jun 20 17:09

On June 20th, Gelonhui reported that the closing price deviation value of the company's stock trading price on June 19th and June 20th in 2024 had cumulatively reached 46.81%, which was considered abnormal fluctuation of stock trading according to the relevant regulations of the Shenzhen Stock Exchange. The closing price deviation value of the company's stock trading price from June 17th to June 20th in 2024 had cumulatively reached 108.76%, which was considered serious abnormal fluctuation of stock trading according to the relevant regulations of the Shenzhen Stock Exchange.

In response to the abnormal fluctuations in the company's stock trading, the board of directors conducted a self-inspection on relevant matters and verified them with the company's controlling shareholder, actual controller and related personnel. The relevant situation is explained below: 1. There is no need to correct or supplement the information disclosed by the company earlier. 2. The company has not found any significant undisclosed information that may have a significant impact on the trading price of the company's stocks recently reported by the public media. 3. There has been no significant change in the recent business situation and internal and external operating environment of the company. 4. There are no significant undisclosed matters related to the company or in the planning stage by the company, controlling shareholders and actual controllers that should be disclosed. 5. The controlling shareholders and actual controllers of the company did not buy or sell the company's stocks during the abnormal fluctuations in the stock trading. 6. The company does not have any other situations that violate the regulations of fair information disclosure.

The board of directors of the company confirmed that the company currently has no matters that should be disclosed but have not been disclosed under the relevant regulations such as the Rules for Listing on the Growth Enterprise Market of the Shenzhen Stock Exchange, or any plans, discussions, intentions, agreements related to such matters. The board of directors also did not receive any information related to the company's stocks and their derivative products trading prices that should be disclosed under the relevant regulations such as the Rules for Listing on the Growth Enterprise Market of the Shenzhen Stock Exchange and have not been disclosed. There is no need to correct or supplement the information disclosed by the company earlier.

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