
港股异动 | 香港地产股走低 九龙仓置业(01997)一度跌超5%创新低 太古地产(01972)跌超3%

Hong Kong property stocks fell, Wharf REIC (01997) fell more than 5% at one point, reaching a new low. Swire Properties (01972) fell more than 3%.

Zhitong Finance ·  Jun 20 15:18

Most Hong Kong property stocks fell. As of press time, Wharf REIC (01997) fell 3.7% to HKD 20.85, Swire Properties (01972) fell 3.36% to HKD 12.64, and CK Asset (01113) fell 2.5% to HKD 29.2.

According to the Finance Intelligence APP, most Hong Kong property stocks fell. As of press time, Wharf REIC (01997) fell 3.7% to HKD 20.85, Swire Properties (01972) fell 3.36% to HKD 12.64, and CK Asset (01113) fell 2.5% to HKD 29.2.

According to the data from the Comprehensive US Federal Reserve Branch, there were a total of 39 transactions in 35 large estates in Hong Kong in the past week, a decrease of about 41.8% compared to the 67 transactions in the previous week. This is a new low in nearly 17 weeks, or after the cooling measures. Yang Mingyi, Senior Associate Director of the Research Department of Midland Realty, pointed out that the trend of CSI (residential prices) continued to decline, with a total of 10.20 points in 7 consecutive weeks, from the 50-point level to the 40-point level. If CSI fails to stop falling and stabilizes, further falling below the 40-point level will confirm the price drop. Citigroup previously stated that since real estate developers are eager to promote listings at reasonable prices, but demand still depends on the current deadlock in interest rates, it is expected that the Hong Kong property price will fall by 10% for the whole year.

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