
马斯克戛纳行:修复广告商关系 不忘大谈AI、算力工厂、机器人

Musk in Cannes: repairing relationships with advertisers while not forgetting to talk about AI, computational factories, and Siasun Robot&Automation. ·  Jun 20 00:59

Elon Musk emphasized that his public call last November was not aimed at all advertisers; he also expects AI to bring a new paradigm of information access and responded to progress regarding 'supercomputer factories.' Tesla's CEO has expressed that the fully functional Optimus robot will be able to perform various tasks such as walking the dog, doing household chores, and taking care of children.

On June 20th, the Finance Associated Press reported (editor: Shi Zhengcheng) that the world's richest man Musk continued to attend a series of public activities at the Cannes International Festival to attract customers for his social media platform, X. Facing a group of advertising professionals, he did not forget to discuss his AI and robot business.

First of all, it is necessary to explain that Musk is attending an event called the Cannes Lion International Creative Festival these days, and there will be tens of thousands of executives from large brands, advertising platforms, and advertising agencies. As the boss of the social media platform X, Musk urgently needs to find a new source of revenue for his own social media platform after publicly breaking with a group of major gold masters at the end of last year.


Seeking to ease the confrontational atmosphere.

For many advertisers, Musk's explosive remarks in November last year have always been a difficult obstacle, and now he is trying to downplay the impact of this incident.

Simply put, due to dissatisfaction with some of Musk's views on the Israeli-Palestinian issue, major gold masters such as Disney and Apple completely stopped advertising on the X platform. Musk then called out Disney CEO Robert Iger at an event in New York and made a sensational speech: "If someone wants to blackmail me with ads? Blackmail me for money? Go and xxxx yourself, don't come and advertise".

Musk is tough, but advertisers are tough too. According to media reports, as the first full year after Musk acquired X (Twitter), the media platform's advertising revenue in 2023 was close to $ 2.5 billion, a 45% decrease from 2021.

During this visit to Cannes, Musk's speech became significantly more cautious.

When talking with Mark Read, the CEO of the world's largest advertising communication group WPP on Wednesday, Musk emphasized that his remarks were not aimed at all advertisers, but at respect for free speech.


(Musk and Read talk, source: X)

Musk also said that advertisers have the right to decide which content their ads should be placed next to, which is completely okay, but what is not cool is that some advertisers insist that their disagreeable content should not appear on the entire platform.

As the main purpose of this trip, Musk also emphasized "why advertisers should choose the X platform". He said: "For the X platform, the most important thing is if you want to get in touch with senior decision makers, the most influential people in the world, then X platform is definitely the best."

Using AI to create a new paradigm for the news industry.

After easing the atmosphere, Musk turned the topic to AI and predicted that there will be even greater changes in the field next year.

He said: "I think things will happen very quickly. Next year you will see considerable changes, and you will see very radical changes within five years. Successful companies will be those that use artificial intelligence most effectively."

As for the X platform, Musk stressed that AI will bring a new paradigm for news acquisition.

Musk explained: "X is using artificial intelligence to aggregate content input by millions of users, which will become a new paradigm for the news industry. The X system can summarize expert information into news subscriptions, and you have tens of millions of posts with far more content than you can find in newspapers. Although there will be some wrong information, it will be corrected soon, and the Internet is gathering wisdom in various fields. These industry experts know more about the situation than news workers."

By the way, Musk's "Super Computing Factory" also had news on Wednesday. As reported earlier, this data center in Memphis is expected to be put into use next year.

On Wednesday local time, Michael Dell, CEO of Dell, said on social media that the company is working with Nvidia to build an AI factory for the Gork chatbot.


(Source: X)

Musk also revealed on Wednesday that Dell is only assembling half of the racks planned for the AI supercomputer. As for the other half, he did not hide anything, but caused some confusion.

When forwarding a post by X platform news blogger, Musk revealed that another company responsible for building data centers is called SMC. However, compared to SMC, a parts maker that domestic investors are more familiar with, Musk is more likely referring to Super Micro Computer (SMCI).


(Source: X)

Humanoid robots walking dogs and doing housework.

Previously, Musk mentioned his vision for the Tesla Optimus humanoid robot during Tuesday's event.

He said people will start to see their personal Optimus as their friends, and jokingly said that while Tesla isn't currently planning to make the robot look more human, it will try to make it "look good."

Tesla's CEO envisioned that fully functional Optimus robots will be able to perform various tasks and become personal assistants for households. Musk said, "You can let it walk the dog, take care of the house, look after the children, cook, play the piano--so it will be a versatile humanoid robot."

Musk also believes that in the future, everyone will have their own robot, and with other robots working in different industries, the number of robots in the future may exceed that of humans.

The translation is provided by third-party software.

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