
報道指國家隊再出手 國新投資認購中證國新港股通央企紅利ETF首發份額

Reports indicate that the national team is making another move. China New Investment has subscribed for the first batch of CSI Central State-Owned Enterprises Dividend Index ETF through the new cross-border investment scheme with the Hong Kong stock excha

AASTOCKS ·  Jun 19 11:52

According to the report from "Cailian Press", central state-owned enterprise Guoxin Investment has made another move in "HKEx + Central SOEs" series. China Guoxin Holding, a subsidiary of the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission (SASAC) of the State Council, announced on its official website that its subsidiary Guoxin Investment subscribed to the first batch of China Securities Red-chip Enterprise Dividend Index ETF(known as Csi Central State-owned Enterprises Dividend Index ETF) issued by fund management companies such as Guangfa, Nanhua, InvESCO Great Wall and others.

On December 1st last year, after increasing its shareholding in China Securities Guoxin Central Enterprise Technology Index Fund, Guoxin Investment once again took action on ETF products related to central SOEs. Unlike before, this subscription took place during the initial fundraising stage, and it sent a positive signal that the company is bullish on the long-term value of HKEx listed central SOEs, at a time of volatility in the A-share market above 3,000 points. It also highlights the responsibility of state-owned capital operation companies for maintaining market value of SOEs and enhancing the pricing power of HKEx listed central SOEs. (wl/k)


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