
港股异动 | 苹果概念股普跌 欧盟《数字市场法案》开始生效 苹果日罚金恐高达5000万美元

HK stocks fluctuate | Apple supplier shares fall, EU Digital Market Act comes into effect, Apple may face a daily fine of up to $50 million.

Zhitong Finance ·  Jun 19 11:01

Apple supplier stocks, which have seen consecutive gains in recent days, generally fell today. As of press time, Sunny Optical (02382) fell 3.39% to HKD 49.9; FIH Mobile (02038) fell 3.16% to HKD 0.92.

According to the Zhìtōng Cáijīng (ZTCJ) app, Apple supplier stocks, which have seen consecutive gains in recent days, generally fell today. As of press time, Sunny Optical (02382) fell 3.39% to HKD 49.9; FIH Mobile (02038) fell 3.16% to HKD 0.92; Cowell (01415) fell 3.07% to HKD 23.65; Q Tech (01478) fell 1.64% to HKD 4.2.

On the news front, First Finance reports that the European Union will soon release the results of an investigation into the Digital Market Act (DMA) launched in March of this year before the summer break. The investigation at the time involved Apple, Google and Meta, with Apple expected to become the first tech giant to be accused by the EU antitrust authorities of violating the DMA. According to recent foreign media estimates, Apple's fine may be calculated at 5% of its daily revenue, which is approximately USD 1 billion per day, meaning that the company would have to pay a fine of USD 50 million per day.

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